Thursday, October 31, 2019
Cost Allocation in Small Businesses Research Paper
Cost Allocation in Small Businesses - Research Paper Example As the essay stresses one of the main benefits that companies get through proper cost allocation is awareness of expenses. Accurate assignment of costs to business processes makes it possible for the managers to know exactly the types of expenses incurred in any particular business operation. Here, it needs to be mentioned that such information is not just critical for the development of operating budgets; rather it is also imperative in the calculation of taxes payable to state, local, and federal tax agencies. The way a company assigns costs to different business units have a profound impact on the amount of taxes that the company pays. From the report it is clear that small businesses can also use cost allocation as a tool to know which items associated with any particular department had the most or least impact on the cost generation by that department. For example, if the accounting, marketing, and customer services departments make use of the same printer for producing prints, the company can easily spread the cost out of that printer on all associated departments according to their respective usage of the system. Such an accuracy of cost information results in improving the decision-making mechanisms of a company, as well as helps in enhancing the overall quality of business processes. Cost allocation also results in enhancing the resource usage. Companies allocating costs to different business departments know that the benefits that they will get will definitely supersede the associated costs. To be specific, when a company has to decide whether it should use the resources of any particular business department , it first takes into account the variable and fixed costs of the department. Though cost allocation, a company is able to know the extent the resources can be used without affecting the associated costs. Determines Expenses Accurately Using cost allocation, a company can determine the costs associated with hiring, retaining, and shifting of employees from one department to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Pest analysis arcelik as and white goods industry in Turkey Essay
Pest analysis arcelik as and white goods industry in Turkey - Essay Example The acronym, PEST, is used to describe these macro environmental factors. Turkey has eight major producers in its white goods industry, with Arcelik A.S. being the leading producer in the market. The PEST factors are going to be studied in relation to Arcelik A.S. and the white goods industry. In very generic terms, political influences deal with the government regulations under which the business has to operate. These deal with tax policies, government support, employment laws, trade barriers and restrictions, environmental regulations and political stability. It may also include laws to restrict the formation of monopolies. The economy of Turkey is politically instable and the government has been implementing an IMF controlled restructuring and reform programme since 1999 which may have the desired effect to stabilize the conditions of the country and increase consumer demand for elastic products manufactured by Arcelik A.S. Moreover, Presidential and Parliamentary elections were held in May and November 2007 which increased political unrest and affected the white goods industry and its leading producer, Arcelik A.S. The high tax expenses that Arcelik A.S. incurred in the year 2007 weakened its financial position while close political ties with United States imposed hardships on Arcelik A.S. and the white goods industry in terms of the Iraq embargo. The government of Turkey has harmonized its commercial laws and regulations with the European Union which imposes restrictions on companies like Arcelik A.S. According to Biesen (2007), Temel, who is the coordinator of corporate relations for Arcelik A.S. and a staunch believer of rules and regulations states it is crucial for the company to follow the regulations and standards imposed globally and by the government to prevent violation of consumer rights. Economic factors affect the purchasing power of the consumers as well as the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Understanding Of Sociological Concepts And Theories Sociology Essay
Understanding Of Sociological Concepts And Theories Sociology Essay This essay will demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of sociological concepts and theories related to health, illness and health care. It will also look and explain the historical and contemporary patterns of inequality in health and illness. It will also critically discuss why some people are healthier than others. It will also Discuss insight of sociological methods of research discovery and evaluate the relevant data. Sociology of health is the study between different ethnic groups and individuals in human society. The twentieth century has witnessed a rise in life expectancy for people that live in industrialized countries compared to other parts of the world the standards of health and wellbeing are quite high. Research has shown that certain groups of people tend to enjoy a much healthier life style than others. Theses health inequalities appear to be in the larger socioeconomic patterns. Sociologists have attempted to explain the link between health and the variation in social class, gender, race, age and location (Giddens 2001). Research on class and health has shown a pattern between death and illness and an individuals social class. There have been two nationwide studies on health in the United Kingdom one of theses being The Black Report in 1980 (Giddens 2001). The Black Report, was commissioned by the government to look at data on health inequalities and to make recommendation for policy and research, which focused largely on materialist explanation of health inequality. The report emphasised the need for an all- inclusive anti-poverty policy and for improvement in education in order to reduce health inequalities (Macintyre 1997). Studies show that poverty can be bad for your health. Areas of the country with above average numbers of people dying young, that is before 65, are generally poor urban areas. Glasgow, London and many of the biggest cities in the North of England stand out in particular. Suicide rates amongst young men are four times higher amongst those with no known occupation compared to those in Social Class 1. People on low incomes are more likely to suffer episodes of serious depression. (BBC News 1999) In a speech on 27 March 1977 the then Secretary of State for Social Services stated: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦.. The crude differences in mortality rates between the various social classes are worrying. To take the extreme example, in 1971 the death rate for adult men in social class V (unskilled workers) was nearly twice that of adult men in social class I (professional workers) even when account has been taken of the different age structure of the 2 classes. When you look at death rates for specific diseases the gap is even wider. For examples for tuberculosis the death rate in social class V is 10 times that for social class I; for bronchitis it was 5 times as high and for lung cancer and stomach cancer 3 times as high. Social class differences in mortality begin at birth. In 1971 neo-natal death rates deaths within the first month of life were twice as high for the children of fathers in social class V as they were in social class I. Death rates for the post-neo-natal period from one month up to one year were nearly 5 times higher in social class V than in social class I à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ The first step towards remedial action is to put together what is already known about the problem à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ it is a major challenge for the next 10 or more years to try to narrow the gap in health standards between different social classes. Many cultures have different health and cultural beliefs such as in the Asian ethnic groups believe that the extended family have influence on individuals; the oldest male is the decision maker and spokesman. Stacy (1988) stated that various cultural social and economic factors all of which have their own roots in the eighteenth century Biomedical is one of the ways to understanding health and illness in the western cultures, but also being accepted not only by doctors but also by none professional. There is general agreement among contributors that there are a number of important characteristics Nettleton (1995.5) describes some examples these being Mid -body dualism which is accepting that the mind and the body can be treated with two different things, Mechanical metaphor looks at the theory of which that the body is a machine, Biomedical is described as reductionist in that there are tendency to reduce all explanations to the physical working of the body. All cultures have a known concept of physical health and illness, but most of what is recognized as medicine is a consequence of development in western society over the past three centuries. Premodern cultures, the family was the main institution coping with illness and disease. There have always been people who believe that you can be healed by different remedi es such as physical and magical in the non- western cultures throughout the world (Giddens 2001). The Bio-medical model there are three main theorys on why the bio-medical model of health is predicted. First disease is seen as a breakdown within the human body that diverts it from its normal state of being The germ theory of disease, second is the mind and body are able to be treated separately and the third being doctors who have been trained and are experts in treating illness and disease (Giddens 2001). Critics to this model say that the effectiveness of scientific medicine overrated. In spite of the prestige that modern medicine has acquired, improvement in overall health can be attributed far more too social and environmental changes than to medical skill. Effective sanitation, better nutrition and improved sewerage and hygiene were more influential particularly in reducing the rates of infant deaths and young people (Mc Keown 1979). Other critics like Ivan Illich (1976) states that modern medicine has done more harm than good.
Friday, October 25, 2019
I am using secondary research because it saves time. I will not have :: Business Management Studies
I am using secondary research because it saves time. I will not have to collect the data first hand, which will allow me time to evaluate the information found. I will research using the Internet, reports on Cadbury and magazine articles. Secondary research Secondary research is information that has previously been gathered from other sources. It is usually carried out by a third party company. The data is then analysed and made available for other companies. When using secondary data, care must be taken in ensuring the information is correct. The data analysis and presentation may be affected by the way the data has been collected. Secondary research methods include the Internet, textbooks, magazines, newspapers and reports. I am using secondary research because it saves time. I will not have to collect the data first hand, which will allow me time to evaluate the information found. I will research using the Internet, reports on Cadbury and magazine articles. I found the following information from Cadbury confectionary market review (2003) In 2003, Cadbury increased its share of the market to more than 29% in contrast to Nestle and Mars who have seen their share decline to 21% and 20%. The UK confectionary market continued to show growth in 1999, driving sales of 5.5 billion. Chocolate sales account for around 70% of the confectionary market, at 3.5 billion, while the remaining 30% is made up of sweets, worth more than 1.75 billion. These graphs show me the age and sex of the consumers of confectionary products. This tells me about the area of the market my product is aimed at. It tells me that more children eat the products than buy it. It also shows that 35.7% of 0-16 year olds eat confectionary products, which tells me there is a want for chocolate from my target audience. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The UK market for confectionary Chocolate Sugar Total by sector by value at current confectionary confectionary prices 1997 3630 1530 5160 1998 3690 1720 5410
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Meaning of Acceptance
Human beings are social animals.à That means that they interact with each other apart from reasons of propagation.à One of the ways human beings interact is through communication.à However, not all communication is successful.à Oftentimes, communication between two or more individuals may cause misunderstandings and conflicts to occur.à In this paper, Rogers present his outlook towards acceptance and understanding, its importance and the benefits of achieving this. The Meaning of Acceptance and Understanding In a lecture given by Rogers (2007) in 1956, the premise of his lecture was that he firmly believed that all individuals have an inert tendency to grow, mature and be responsible for their lives.à His ideas with regards to the meanings of acceptance and understanding were influenced by both religion and philosophy.à Throughout his lecture, he emphasized that an individual would only be able to understand one self and others only if they have embraced the acceptance of one self and others. Rogers (2007) focused his lecture on a number of key points.à The first is that he discovered that in the long run, it would benefit the individual to accept himself or herself and to refrain from acting as though they were someone else.à This is because when an individual lives a fallacious life and portrays an identity that is other from his or her own, that individual would not be able to act in a calm and pleasant manner.à This would also lead to the failure of the individuals in keeping and maintaining personal relationships with others.à As a result, he believed that it is extremely imperative that an individual must learn to accept who and what he or she is. Once an individual is able to accept himself or herself for who and what they are, it is only then that they will be able to begin to accept other people.à This process is more difficult than the acceptance of one self.à Because human beings are social beings, they interact with each other.à However, there are instances when it becomes difficult to accept the words, thoughts, expression and especially suggestions of others.à This is because it is the nature of the individual to become judgmental about the statement and reactions received from another individual.à In fact, it is on very rare occasions that individuals accept criticism and suggestions given by other people, particularly if they view these people are inferior to them.à Some examples of these relationships are between parent and child, professor and student, or employer and employee (Rogers 2007). Rogers (2007) stressed the importance of accepting other people for who and what they are with regards to not only the development of deeper and more meaningful relationships with each other, but also this would become a valuable experience for the individual as well.à This is because once the individual has come to accept who he or she is; it will be easier for the individual to accept other people for who they are. As such, it will make the individual understand certain behaviors that another individual exhibits and would be able to understand and be more patient with one another.à Furthermore, because individuals are accepted and understood by others, they are more comfortable in exposing their true colors, instead of living behind a faà §ade, deepening further the relationship between two individuals. Conclusion Although human beings are social animals, human beings are also known to be judgmental towards other people.à This attitude has been seen long throughout mankindââ¬â¢s history.à For instance, unexplainable occurrences that happen in the environment have long been associated to gods, goddesses and deities.à When explorers from the West discovered various lands, they referred to the inhabitants of the land as savages or barbarians simply because they look different and their way of living is different. Even today, individuals from certain cultures are stereotyped by others.à Most of these stereotyping are degrading on the part of the individual being address.à As such, they are extremely apprehensive to accept who and what they are.à Instead, they acculturate themselves and become somebody that they are not. However, no matter how hard a person tries to change, certain behaviors and attitudes would still come across other people because these are part of the person and would often be expressed unconsciously.à As such, this would confuse other people or would cause them to shame him or her further because they are not being true towards himself or herself, but towards other people as well. Only when the individual is able to accept who he or she really is deep down, from gender preference to his or her cultural ancestry, this individual would not only be able to be more comfortable in expressing himself or herself in society because they are not worried on how they should act to please other people but also they will be able to establish stronger, more fruitful and deeper relationships with other people since only those who are willing to accept them for who and what they are will be those who are worth having a relationship with. References Rogers, C. (2007). What understanding and acceptance mean to me. In H. S. Friedman & M. W. Schustack (Eds.), The personality reader (pp. 241-49).à Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethics in ICT Education: Utilizing Mobile Gadgets in Teaching and Learning Process Essay
In a technology-driven and digital society, getting information quickly is important to both instructors and students. The expansion and everyday use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have made it possible to quickly and instantly find information, share ideas among peer groups, allow instructors to easily interact with their students, and provide them with enabling platform for research and exploring new ideas. According to FBI-Internet Crime Complaint Center, Nigeria ranked third in the world after US and UK, in internet fraudulent activities. Yet, there is no cyber security law to checkmates these issues locally. Thus, government should work closely with the ICT community (NCC, NITDA, NigComSat, Galaxy backbone,Telecoms firms, and Consultants), in conjunction with legal community, to enact appropriate cybercrime laws. The write-up, bring to light the importance and application of mobile gadgets in learning process, issues associated with using mobile devices and ways to combat them. Keywords: Digital society, learning, students, instructors, education, mobile gadgets. Introduction: Mobile gadgets and phones can be a double-edge sword; the two can be used as a source of many benefits, for instance, the ease with which digital information can be analyzed, transmitted, and shared among numerous people and groups. On the other hand, they can be used to create ways of breaking laws or taking benefits away from others. For example, sending unsolicited e-mails is one of the compelling ethical issues raised by contemporary mobile gadgets users. Generally, information and communication technology (ICT) and the used of mobile gadgets are applied for the good of humankind; however it can also be abused and used as a tool for felony (L&N Long, 2005). Thus, the evolution of mobile gadgets have generated intense controversy and raised serious issues about information and communication technology ethics. An ethical individual accepts and lives by a set of moral principles and values. These principles define what is socially accepted as ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠and on the other hand what is ââ¬Å"badâ⬠, until today society continues to raise questions about what is or not ethical in the used of information technology gadgets. These issues are so important to our society, to the extent that educators see it as core subject that shall be integrated into college curricula. Educators believe that, if members of the society are made aware of the consequences of their actions, then there would be only fewer(marginal) people that will be motivated to commit computer crimes, contaminate systems with false information, post pornographic material to the internet, or abuse sanctity of intellectual property (K & J Laudon, 2003). . Ethics, Education, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Ethics in information technology ââ¬Å"can be defined as the moral conducts and decisions confronting individuals, groups or institutions engaged in information and communication technology (ICT) practices (Martin M. 2009). It could also be defined as the study of moral ideals, character, policies and relationships of people and institutions involved in the activities of information and communication technology (Martin M. 2009). Whereas; educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources (AECT, 2004). Conversely, information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be defined as a set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information. These technologies include internet, tablet computers, smart phones, and broadcasting technologies such as radio and television (Kukulska-Hulme et. al. 2005). The use of ICT (mobile gadgets and phones) for a range of different learning processes has been the prime concern of every right-thinking individual in this era. It is realized that, mobile gadgets and phones could add a completely new dimension to the teaching and learning process due to a wide range of attributes, such as being portable, ubiquitous, pervasiveness and the functions such as voice, video and data services, camera, video, radio, and the internet connectivity (Kukulska-Hulme et. al. 2005). Besides, Bressler, D, (2007) states that youth should be the target and first priority user group of mobile based teaching and learning, because research showed that teenagers and college students have a higher interest in every mobile phone activity than any other age group. Research Questions: This text endeavor to address the following questions raised by mobile gadgets and users: I. What ethical, social, and political issue arises by the uses of mobile technology gadgets? II. What are the specific codes of conduct that may be used to guide decision about cybercrime? III. Why do contemporary mobile gadgets pose challenges to the protection of individual rights and intellectual property? IV. How do mobile gadgets affect everyday life of instructors and students? V. How could mobile gadgets allow continuous access to education and reach marginalized groups of a society? RQ1-What ethical, social, and political issues arises by the uses of mobile technology gadgets? Ethical, social, and political issues are closely linked together. The ethical dilemma we may face in our academic system typically is reflected in social and political settings of the society (K & J Laudon, 2003). Letââ¬â¢s imagine our society, in which we are all living before the advent and penetration of mobile gadgets as a calm pond, an ecosystem in partial equilibrium with individual, society, and political institutions. Under this condition, everyone knows how to act in this pond because social institutions (family, colleges, polytechnics, universities, and organizations) have developed well-honed rules of behaviors and these are backed by laws developed in the political zone of the society that stipulate different do and promises appropriate penalty for violation any of the laid down policy and guiding principles. Now, information technologies development tosses a rock into the pond. The forces and pulsation as a result of tossing rock (mobile gadgets evolution) into the ponds, which is a powerful shock of new information technology revolutions that hit our social systems which is more or less (at rest or partial equilibrium) and thus generates positive and negative pulses. Suddenly, individuals, and society are confronted with new situations often not covered by the old laws (rules and code of conduct of the nation). The figure below portrays moral dimensions that connect ethical, social and political issues (K & J Laudon, 2003). Figure 1: Moral Dimensions (Ethical, Social, & Political) Issues Related To Mobile Gadgets: Excerpt from: Essential of Management Information Systems, Fifth Edition. Information /Property rights and obligations: what information rights do individual or institutions posses with respect to the information about themselves? What can they protect? How will traditional intellectual property be protected in a digital society in which accounting of ownership is difficult? Accountability and Control: who will be held responsible and liable for the harm done to individual, institutions and collective information and property rights? System and Life Quality: what services should we demand to protect individual rights and the safety of the society? What services and practices are supported and accepted by the society? RQ2- What are the specific codes of conducts that can be used to guide decision about cybercrime? Cybercrime can be referred to as the use of mobile gadgets or computers and internet to commit illicit act. Cybercrime (computer assisted crime) includes e-mail scams, hacking, distribution of hostile software (viruses and worms), denial of service(DoS) attacks, theft of data, fraud and impersonation, online auction fraud, phishing, child pornography, espionage (theft of trade secrets), cyber contraband and so on (Uwaje Chris, 2009). With the proliferation of mobile gadgets that allow easy access to internet and online resources, it becomes more disturbing because the cyber space, through which these crimes are perpetuated, is not defined by political or geographical boundaries, thus enacting or amending laws to curb them becomes a challenge. According to FBI-Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3 report, 2009), Nigeria ranked third in the world after US and UK, in internet fraudulent activities. Yet, there is no cyber security law to checkmate these issues locally. Similarly, Ewelukwa (2012), lamented that various legislative bills before the National Assembly, aimed at preventing cybercrime, have been neglected by the lawmakers including ââ¬Å"The Computer Security and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Bill 2005 sponsored by the Executive failed to become law (Ewelukwa, 2012). Ewelukwa (2012) further stated ââ¬Å"Other related legislative bills that have not yet been passed by the National Assembly include the Cyber Security and Data Protection Agency (Establishment, etc) Bill 2008, Electronic Fraud Prohibition Bill 2008, Nigeria Computer Security and Protection Agency Bill 2009, and the Computer Misuse Bill 2009. Cyber security entails all measures taken proactively to prevent and ensure safety from cyber attacks and related crimes. Cyber attacks vary and evolve on daily basis with advances in ICT gadgets. Therefore, government should work closely with the ICT community (NCC, NITDA, NigComSat, Galaxy Backbone, Telecoms firms, Experts and Consultants), legal community, to enact appropriate cybercrime laws, and expedite action to sign the aforementioned bills into laws. Thus, would boost the nationââ¬â¢s image before the online community and globally. RQ3- Why do contemporary mobile gadgets pose challenges to the protection of individual right and intellectual property? Ethical issues have long preceded the evolution of information technology, they are the abiding concerns of every society everywhere on earth, nevertheless, information technology has raised and heightened ethical concerns, put stress on existing social arrangement, and made existing law obsolete or severely crippled. There are three key technological trends that are responsible for these ethical traumas (K & J Laudon, 2003): I. Increases in Computing Power: Everyday people are getting possession of different mobile gadgets for their day to day undertakings (research works, businesses, leisure and entertainment), due to invention of high powered gadgets with varieties of features made available by the manufacturers. II. Advancement in Data Analysis & Declining Data Storage Costs: it is clear that with contemporary information systems technology and data analysis techniques, one can assemble and combine myriad pieces of information about an individual much more easily than in the past. For instances, information about an individual such as credit card purchases, telephone calls, magazine subscriptions, video rentals, mail order purchases, banking records, local, state, and federal governments(including court and police records), can all be gathered and mined properly. III. Networking and advances in Internet: sharing and accessing large quantities of data over the internet, open the possibility of mining large pools of data remotely using mobile gadgets, and thus permitting the invasion of privacy of others. RQ4- How do mobile gadgets affect everyday life of instructors and students? ICT and mobile gadgets in schools, colleges and universities have affected everyday life of both instructors and students, either in positive or negative directions as pointed out below: Students can record homework and assignments on their phone calendar. Help instructors to monitor their lecture schedules. Use of camera functions in geography and physical sciences subjects to records things and report back to class. Some teachers learned to teach in different ways with an emphasis on independent study, and thus incorporated mobile gadgets in their lessons. Disruption during lectures in cyber- bullying one another using text and blackberry messaging(BBM) Spiteful comments or spreading malicious gossips. Some students used mobile gadgets (for fashion) to chase opposite sexes RQ5- How could mobile gadgets allow continuous access to education and reach marginalized groups of a society? It would be very difficult or impossible for the conventional (class-room) delivery method of education to provide continuous and educational opportunities for majority members of a society. ICTs and mobile gadgets have the answers and potential to help reach this objective. They are portable, pervasive, personal, affordable, ubiquitous, and interactive and hence, instruction can be delivered anywhere and at anytime through it. Moreover, it is an aid to formal and informal learning, it supplement and enrich formal schooling, make learning more accessible, personalized and flexible for students everywhere. And thus holds enormous potential to transform the delivery of teaching and learning process. Mobile devices can overcome geographic, social, and infrastructure barriers to reach populations, and marginalized groups by providing them with access to further learning and development. These devices facilitate distance learning in situations where access to education is difficult or interrupted because of geographical barriers. And therefore, m-learning or mobile learning, offers modern ways to support learning process through mobile devices, such as handheld tablet computers, MP3/MP4 players, smart phones and mobile phones. And thus, a mobile gadget is not only a device, but a door to greater education and continuous interactive learning process. Advantages of using Mobile Gadgets: Students, teachers, and researchers have many reasons to consider using mobile gadgets, since these devices are one of the most versatile electronics gadgets in the market today. Besides the obvious communication advantages, mobile phones have features, such as cameras and internet accessibility, that can help students and researchers in all aspects of their learning processes, from their studies to their social and professional lives and practices. Kat Stafford (2013) stated in his write-up some advantages of mobile phone to college students, among which are: emergency communication, parental connection, studying and research, capture memories, social and professional networking and organization. Issues and Crimes Associated with Mobile Gadgets: As cell phones have rapidly become ubiquitous in everyday life, the issue of cell phones in school has become a hotly debated topic. Many disadvantages also exist concerning student cell phone use, Rebecca Richards (2012), mentioned few such as: causes distractions, exams cheating, e-mail scams, pornography and cyber contraband. Recommendation: Provision of redundant internet services (both wired & wireless) in our various institutions of learning using technology such as WIFI, or WIMAX, to facilitate learning processes using ICT gadgets. Universities, polytechnics, COEs, and other institution of learning should use proper network administrative tools to police students over inappropriate use of services provided to them; it can equally ban and restrict access to ALL social networks that can cause distractions to their studies. Use of software tools like web anonymizers (such as Psiphon, Surfola, Silent Surf, and Merletn) to hide user tracks from their predators. Every institution should review its code of conducts to include contemporary netiquettes, so that students and researchers are made aware of the cause of actions of every crime they committed. Likewise, at national level government should work closely with the ICT community (NCC, NITDA, NigComSat, Galaxy Backbone, Telecoms and IT firms, Experts and Consultants) and Legal community to enact appropriate cybercrime laws, and expedite action to sign all the legislative bills before them into laws. Conclusion: While there are enormous benefits to be gained out of mobile gadgets in terms of m-learning, enrichment, portability and flexibility in using ICTs throughout formal educational systems, there is even greater value to be gained in using the mobile technologies to increase access to millions of instructional resources who are currently outside the educational footprints. A combination of mobile technologies and relevant applications softwares, have the potential to overcome the barriers of time, distance, and allow adult education for those who have not been properly educated and now wish to be informed, well educated, trained or enlightened. It is apparent that ICTs offer opportunities not available previously to educators, using tools such as e-mail; Webinar, audio-video, computerââ¬âconferencing, both synchronously and asynchronously. With aid of ICT and appropriate set of application tools, a very rich interactive and learning environment can be created that allows learners to dictate their pace of learning, or place of learning. While the ICT tools empower our communities, they need not take away the role of the instructors or research supervisors; instead, students, firms, researchers and instructors should come together for a common purpose, work collaboratively with clearly defined roles on a shared platform to attain the set objectives of any kind. These communities encompass all levels and sectors of human endeavor, from basic education to postgraduate studies, from teacher training to business studies, and from non formal studies to language instruction, companies and research institutes. However, only infrastructure, fiscal resources, and policy support, would inhibit exploitation of this potential. And thus, an ICT world is an exciting planet of continuous learning process. References: AECT (2004). ââ¬Å"Association for Educational Communications and Technologyâ⬠Retrieved from: visited on 05-04-2013. Bressler, D, ââ¬Å"Information and Communication Technology in Education, Retrieved frm. visited on 07-05-2013. Ewelukwa (2012).â⬠Wanted: A law on cyber securityâ⬠Retrieved from: , visited on 07-05-2013. IC3,(2009). ââ¬Å"Internet Crime Complain Center 2009â⬠Retrieved from: , visited on 19-04-2013. Kukulska Hulme .(2005). ââ¬Å"Innovation in Mobile Learning: a European Perspectiveâ⬠Retrieved from : , visited on 19-04-2013 Kat Stafford, 2013). ââ¬Å"Use of Cell Phones and College Studentsâ⬠, visited on 07-05-2013. Laudon K.J, (2003). Essential of Management Information Systems, Fifth Edition, Chapter 5: Ethical and Social Issues in the Digital Firm, P. 142-143 Long L.N, (2005).Computers Information Technology in Perspective, 12th edition, Chapter IT ethics, Crime, and Privacy. P. 278 Martin M. (2009).Ethics in Engineering, 3rd edition New Delhi: MC Graw-Hill P.2-3 Rebecca, Richards (2012). ââ¬Å"Use of Cell Phones and College Studentsâ⬠Retrieved from:, visited on 07-05-2013. Uwaje, Chris (2009). ââ¬Å"Cyber Crime: Its Implications for Internet Business Growth In Nigeriaâ⬠Retrieved from:, visited on 15-05-2013.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Darryl Strawberry
Affects and Struggles of Cocaine and Darryl Strawberry Cocaine is a drug that has been existent since the 1800ââ¬â¢s. It is a powerfully addictive drug of abuse. Individuals who have tried cocaine have described the experience as a powerful high that gave them a feeling of supremacy. However, once someone starts taking cocaine, one cannot predict or control the extent to which he or she will continue to use the drug. The major ways of taking cocaine are sniffing or snorting, injecting, and smoking, and there are serious consequences for taking and abusing this drug. Darryl Strawberry was a famous major league baseball player who was known for his cocaine addiction. The health risks of cocaine use will develop more rapidly if smoked rather than snorted. Smoking allows extremely high doses of cocaine to reach the brain very quickly and results in an intense and immediate high. The injecting drug user is also at risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV infection/AIDS if needles or other injection equipment are shared. Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Some cocaine users report feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety, both while using and between periods of use. An appreciable tolerance to the high may be developed, and many addicts report that they seek but fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first exposure. High doses of cocaine and/or prolonged use can trigger paranoia. Smoking crack cocaine can produce particularly aggressive paranoid behavior in users. When addicted individuals stop using co caine, they may become depressed. This depression causes users to continue to use the drug to alleviate their depression. Prolonged cocaine snorting can result in ulceration of the mucous membrane of the nose and can damage the nasal septum enough to cause it to collapse. Cocaine-related ... Free Essays on Darryl Strawberry Free Essays on Darryl Strawberry Affects and Struggles of Cocaine and Darryl Strawberry Cocaine is a drug that has been existent since the 1800ââ¬â¢s. It is a powerfully addictive drug of abuse. Individuals who have tried cocaine have described the experience as a powerful high that gave them a feeling of supremacy. However, once someone starts taking cocaine, one cannot predict or control the extent to which he or she will continue to use the drug. The major ways of taking cocaine are sniffing or snorting, injecting, and smoking, and there are serious consequences for taking and abusing this drug. Darryl Strawberry was a famous major league baseball player who was known for his cocaine addiction. The health risks of cocaine use will develop more rapidly if smoked rather than snorted. Smoking allows extremely high doses of cocaine to reach the brain very quickly and results in an intense and immediate high. The injecting drug user is also at risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV infection/AIDS if needles or other injection equipment are shared. Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Some cocaine users report feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety, both while using and between periods of use. An appreciable tolerance to the high may be developed, and many addicts report that they seek but fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first exposure. High doses of cocaine and/or prolonged use can trigger paranoia. Smoking crack cocaine can produce particularly aggressive paranoid behavior in users. When addicted individuals stop using co caine, they may become depressed. This depression causes users to continue to use the drug to alleviate their depression. Prolonged cocaine snorting can result in ulceration of the mucous membrane of the nose and can damage the nasal septum enough to cause it to collapse. Cocaine-related ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Islam and Its Influence on Political and Social Situations
Islam and Its Influence on Political and Social Situations Islam is arguably one of the dominant religions in the world and has significantly influenced the political and social situations in most countries either directly or indirectly. This religion started in the early 7th century CE after other major religions; Judaism and Christianity (Black 2).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Islam and Its Influence on Political and Social Situations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is a purely monotheistic religion which is characterized by the acceptance of the theological doctrine of total submission to God and adherence to the teachings and prophecies of Muhammad as the chief and the last prophet to be sent by God (Cohn-Sherbok 137). The people who subscribe to and practice the teachings of Islam are referred to as Muslims and the nations where Islam is practiced constitute what is generally referred to as the Muslim world, especially in the Middle East. From a differen t perspective, Islam may refer to the notable civilizations brought about by the Muslim world during different times of its existence (Lapidus 3). This research paper seeks to explore the influences that Islam has on both the political and social aspects of the world community. It will adopt a chronological approach from the emergence of Islam in the seventh century to the present. Brief History of Islam During the sixth and the seventh centuries, the Arabs of Arabian Peninsula were mainly polytheists; those who worship many Gods. It was at the dawn of the seventh century that Muhammad, a caravan merchant from the city if Mecca, denounced such paganism as being a total perversion of the will of God. He was 40 years of age when he claimed that the true God had revealed to him a doctrine of divine reward of obedience and consequences of failing to heed His teachings. Muhammad started preaching by emphasizing that earlier prophets like Abraham and Moses had been sent by God because hum ankind was lost in idolatry (Cohn-Sherbok 137). He had learnt these teachings from the Jews and Christians who lived in Mecca at the time. He acknowledged that these two religions had received the revelation through the Torah and the Gospels. Mohammed, however, claimed that the new revelation to him by God surpassed earlier revelations and that he was the last prophet in Godââ¬â¢s divine plan for humankind. From the onset, Muhammad embarked on a mission to win follows especially from the Jewish community but he was faced with stiff resistance since he was not recognized as Godââ¬â¢s prophet in the first place (Cohn-Sherbok 137).Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Consequently, he denounced the Jewish people and regarded them as nonbelievers who deserved to be cursed by Allah, the one true God. Though he believed in the earlier prophecies, Muhammad was co nvinced that the Jews had altered Godââ¬â¢s authentic message by scrapping the parts that had predicted that he would be the last messenger from God. He said that Qurââ¬â¢an was Godââ¬â¢s message communicated directly to him by Angel Gabriel. This firm stand by Muhammad marked the beginning of the seemingly unending conflict between Judaism and Islam. This confrontation saw the expulsion of two Jewish tribes from Medina and the extermination of another. Women and children of the exterminated tribe were enslaved instead. Two years later, Muslims took over the Jewish oasis of Khaybar to the north and those who gave half of what they had produced as tribute to Islam were allowed to remain there (Cohn-Sherbok 137). The constitution of Medina and various treaties signed between Muslims and Jews outlined the rights of all partners aimed at enhancing coexistence. The death of Muhammad in 632 C.E. sparked internal wrangles within the Muslim world on who was to succeed the prophet a nd give guidance to the then rapidly growing number of followers. By the year 644, Muslim soldiers were spread across Israel, Syria, Persia, Egypt, and Iraq. Sixteen years later and the Islam Empire had expanded to a large part of Asia aided by the Muslim armies. Islam crossed into the continent of Europe after the armies conquered the Iberian Peninsula at the start of the eighth century (Cohn-Sherbok 137). However, Muslims were unable to conquer the entire Europe during this period and most countries were still under the rule of Christians (Cohn-Sherbok 154). Towards the end of the eighth century, widespread conversion to Islam was discouraged and the Jews were assured of their religious freedom or tolerance as long as they recognized the supremacy of the Islamic state under Muhammad. The treaties signed at the beginning of the ninth century saw the emergence of a political and economic arrangement that resulted in the Jews moving out of their land to diaspora. The Umayyad and Abba sid caliphates which had ruled during the two centuries of Islamic domination of the Jewish community had greatly influenced the political and social situations at the time (Cohn-Sherbok 138). Theological and Social tenets of Islam Islam as a religion has five major pillars upon which all political, religious, social, economic, and cultural concepts are hinged. There is the belief in the one true God and Muhammad, his Prophet, obligations of prayer, exercising charity, going on pilgrimage (Hajj) to the holiest city, Mecca, at least once in a lifetime, and fasting during the month of Ramadan (Lapidus 5).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Islam and Its Influence on Political and Social Situations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Shariââ¬â¢ah or Law is the essential concept in Islam which guides all Muslims on how to live a life willed by God. All Muslims are encouraged to defend Islam at all costs especi ally those do not believe through the holy known as Jihad. It is also important to note that after the death of Muhammad, issues have arose over who was to succeed Prophet Muhammad leading to major split. Two separate groups were formed in mid-seventh century, the Sunni and the Shiââ¬â¢ites (Wouk 176). The majority are the Sunnis who constitute about 90% of the entire Muslim population. Shiââ¬â¢ites, on the other hand, continued to be divided into smaller sects like the Ismaââ¬â¢ilis. These tensions and conflicts have existed to the present day. Sufism is a mystical movement in Islam that seeks to ensure every Muslim finds a definitive knowledge by encountering God through real life experiences. This movement emerged after the death of Muhammad by some Muslims who thought that traditional Islam was spiritually oppressive (Lapidus 12). Although Sufi adherents have always clashed with mainstream Muslims on the grounds of Islamic Law and theology, this practice has had signifi cant influence on the religion especially through its rich literature (Wouk 201). This has great influence on social situations even in the modern Islam. Fundamentalism is a social tenet in Islam that has inspired the Muslim world to rise against the influence of Western dominion since the start of the nineteenth century. Towards the end of the twentieth century, several secular governments in the Middle East region were shaken or even overthrown by fundamentalist movements. These movements were mainly made up of conservative Muslims who advocated for the need to embrace traditional Islamic values and the rule of law as provided for in the Sharia. Fundamentalist values are totally against Western modernization which is depicted and believed to be corrupt and meant for nonbelievers. These strong Islamic believes have shaped perceptions that the West have towards the Middle East. They regard them as terrorists yet very few of them are actually terrorists, and all terrorists in the reg ion are not fundamentalists (Lapidus 24). It is evident that this kind of Islamic movement has had significant influence on the political and social situations in most Middle East countries. In 1979, there was a revolution in Iran which has ever since led to the establishment of a purely fundamentalist state (Kertzer 113).Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In Afghanistan, the Taliban has been struggling to ensure that the country remains a fundamentalist one. This element has gone a long way in influencing the politics of affected countries. These movements have also penetrated to some parts of North Africa, the Islamic states in South East Asia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh though they remain a minority (Lapidus 17). The extremists in Islam have not only raised anger from non-Muslims but also among the Muslims themselves because they abuse religion and its teachings. Since the start of the year 2011, several national revolutions have been witnessed in the Muslim world; Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and other countries in the Middle Eastern region. These uprisings have been associated with Islam in one way or another especially some of its oppressive leadership. Islamââ¬â¢s teachings on the concept of Jihad have influenced political and social relations with other states. The Qurââ¬â¢an teaches that for one to a Muslim, he or she must stru ggle or strive in the fight of a holly war, a spiritual warfare (Black 26). This is with an aim of living a good life as required of any Muslim. However, this teaching has been interpreted differently by the radical Muslims especially during the second half of the 20th century and the dawn of the twenty first century. They believe that the Qurââ¬â¢an calls for a real warfare against the atheists, especially those from the Western world who have been fighting against the establishment of Islamic states in the oil-rich region. The radical Muslims will go to any length to defend what they believe in even if it means dying for the sake of faith. Individuals strap explosives to their chests and blow themselves up, together with their supposed targets as well as innocent ones and they regarded as heroes, especially in the territories of Palestine that has witnessed one of the longest conflicts. The increased cases of suicide bombers and related heinous acts of terrorism can be attribut ed to such believes and teachings (Black 19). The consequences have been far-reaching, most especially in the West and other countries that demonstrate cooperation with Western and European agenda. The worst tragedy linked directly to radical Islamism was witnessed in September 11, 2001 in America, a bloody attack masterminded by the former leader of Al Qaeda, the late Osama Bin Laden. The adherents of radical Islam are not the majority but the impacts of their actions are enormous. In pluralistic societies where Muslims are the minority, political and social relations have been strained because the dominant groups view them from a general perspective as terrorists. This has resulted in some forms of discrimination when it comes to basic human rights; freedom of speech, association, right to hold public office, among others (Black 25). Islam in the Western World Currently, Islam is regarded as one of the fastest growing religions in the world. In the United States, Muslims are estim ated to be six million and are spread across the states (Black 7). About 2000 Islamic institutions existed in North America by the year 1992 (Smith 12). These include community centers, media houses, schools, publishing houses, and mosques. This notable growth is attributed to the conferences organized by Muslims shortly after the end of World War II. Most successful conferences were organized by Muslim students in American universities in 1963. By 1993, the Muslim community was represented in the U.S. armed forces by the first ever Muslim chaplain (Melton 253). By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the number has grown to thousands. This systematic infiltration of Islam into the developed democracies of the West has significantly changed the general political orientation and social situations (Haddad 24). Most of these influences have been facilitated by constitutional provisions which seek to uphold the respect for all mankind. Some researchers predicted that by 2015 , the size of the Muslim community in America will be the largest religion, overtaking other non-Christian religions (Melton 273). It is not surprising that political/presidential candidates in the U.S. have to choose their words properly so as not to be seen as being anti-Islam and at the same time they are expected to assure the citizens that they will be secure. Clearly, Islam has by large influenced politics and social situations in both developed as well as developing democracies. Conclusion The research paper has broadly discussed the topic of Islam and how it has influenced political and social situations over the past centuries to the present. In the introduction, an attempt has been made to explain what Islam is since it is a term that is used repeatedly throughout the paper. In the next section, the history of Islam and its notable influences since it came into existence in 613 C.E has been briefly covered. It is crucial to note that Islam was started by Muhammad after cla iming that the one and true God had revealed to him important information which he was to communicate to the entire humankind. This, according to Muhammad, was after the people refused to take heed of Godââ¬â¢s will revealed through earlier prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, among others. That he was going to be the last prophet to be send by God. The political aspect of Islam, as brought out in the discussion, was started by Muhammad himself after he became the ruler of Medina. Here, he developed the first ever written law that governed all within the territories of Medina. Since then, Islam has influenced Jewish, Christian, and other religions as well as atheists alike. As a religion, Islam rests on five pillars; belief in God and Muhammad, his last messenger, charity/almsgiving, prayer, pilgrimage (Hajj), and fasting. The paper has elaborated on these pillars and other social tenets that are believed to have influenced politics and social situations in different parts of the world. The research paper also focuses on the growth of Islam especially in the Western world. It has emerged that Islam is rapidly spreading and leaving a trail of notable influences on its path. Black, Andrew . The history of Islamic political thought: from the prophet to the present. New York: Routledge, 2001, pp. 23-47 Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. Judaism: history, belief, and practice. New York: Routledge Press, 2003, pp. 137- 139, 154 Haddad, Yvonne, and John, Esposito (eds). Muslims on the Americanization Path?à Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998, 9-75 Kertzer, Morris M. What is Jew? New York: Touchstone, 1993, pp. 113-134 Lapidus, Innocent M. State and religion in Islamic societies. Past and Present, 151, 1996:3-27. Melton, J. Gordon. Encyclopedia of American Religions (6th ed.). Detroit, Michigan: Gale, 1999, 227-275 Smith, Jane I. Islam in America. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999, 1-25 Wouk, Herman. This is my God. New York: Back Bay/ Little, Brown Co., 1992, pp. 176-221
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Follow several easy steps and create an unforgettable term paper!
Follow several easy steps and create an unforgettable term paper! Follow several easy steps and create an unforgettable term paper! Writing a term paper, for some students, is an arduous task. Even though writing a term paper is a big project, there are several steps that will help make the process go smoother such as first choosing a topic.à Inform or persuade? The next step is to decide if you want to inform or persuade your readers. Next, do some research on topics you find interesting. If something interests you in your life, write it down.à Evaluate your options Most importantly, evaluate your options. If your goal is to educate, choose a subject that you have already studied. If your goal is to persuade, choose a subject that you are passionate about. Whatever the focus is of the paper, make sure that you are interested in your topic. Prepare an outline and write your Thesis statement Next, prepare an outline for your term paper. For your term paper to be excellent, your thoughts need to be orderly and organized. If you choose to write an outline, write your topic at the top of the page. List your main ideas. Under each idea, list other smaller ideas that relate to your main idea. This will help you as you work on your paper because you will see connections that will tie in with the paper. Once your outline is in order, write your thesis statement. Your thesis statement is the main point of your paper. Keep in mind; your thesis statement will have two parts. The first part will state the topic and the second part will state the point/reason of the essay. Body of the essay and your Introduction The next part is to write the body of the essay. The body of your essay should explain, argue or describe your topic. Then, once you have developed your thesis and the body of your essay, it is time to write an introduction. The introduction should grab the readerââ¬â¢s attention and describe the main focus of your essay. Your Conclusion and Summarizing your Ideas Writing the conclusion is the next step in this process. The conclusion should bring closure to the paper and sum up your ideas, as well as providing a final look on your topic. Your conclusion should be no more than five sentences. Then, go back and check your work, such as checking the order of your paragraphs, that your paragraphs make sense, review the instructions for your paper and then review what you have written. Read your paper out loud and see if it makes sense. Be sure to check your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes. Take time for at least two rewrites, making sure everything is in order. Term paper writing service like those available here at Master Essay can be quite helpful with this and will work with you to review and rewrite your essay. To conclude, writing an excellent term paper can be done; however, it requires a plan, hard work and a desire to create a great looking paper! Check out services for help with your term paper!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Attitudes toward Genetic Screening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Attitudes toward Genetic Screening - Essay Example Advances in molecular genetics have brought about a situation whereby genetic testing has become a choice for deaf people along with their families. However, little research has been done on how genetic testing is viewed. A survey done by Brunger, et al., (2000) on the attitude of parents who had normal hearing but had children with hearing deficiencies indicated that 96% of them had a positive attitude towards genetic testing for deafness. It is however important to note that the parents surveyed expressed little understanding of genetics. 98 % were not able to rightly state the chance of the condition redeveloping in the life of the child. They also did not understand the basics of genetic inheritance. Basing the discussion on this survey, if the parents of the child agree to the use of in vitro genetic screening, then, for the procedure to be deemed ethical, it must be known if they do understand what it is and what it encompasses. If they do, then it can be deemed ethical. But if they do not understand, then that would be considered as unethical as it is like taking advantage of their lack of knowledge on the issue to perform a technique that will determine the life of their child. The World Federation of the Deaf (n.d.) states that the rights of any human being can only be appreciated through oneââ¬â¢s own language and culture, a statement that is described as true to all persons including the deaf. In terms of the deaf, they have their own culture that is shown through their language, the sign language to be precise.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Interview with an Entrepreneur Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Interview with an Entrepreneur - Assignment Example evealed under the heading of Interview Summary, has been scheduled to focus on eight particular issues that had been of substantial importance during oneââ¬â¢s migration from being employed to being an independent individual with high hopes of becoming a successful entrepreneur. The interview starts with the factors that inspire a person to be self employed. Next, light has been shed on the changes that take place in his life since he had opted to be self employed and the measures adopted by him to cope with those changes. Subsequently, questions were aimed at understanding his opinions on skill requirements and other aesthetic aspects associated with entrepreneurship. The basis of this interview is to try and substantiate an individualââ¬â¢s decision of gauging the comparatively riskier waters of entrepreneurship by sacrificing the sense of security that employment confers. Life has turned to a new leaf since I have moved from employment to self employment. Previously job responsibilities were routine based tasks which had comparatively lower responsibilities. Self employment has imposed greater responsibilities and there is no limit with regards to the volume of work. After moving to the role of an entrepreneur I have also started devoting fewer times to my family and friends. The best part however is that I welcome this change. On the professional front entrepreneurship has provided me with lots of freedom to explore and try out new ideas which is quite different from a routine job where there is less room for exploring new ideas. Certain changes have come as a pleasant experience like added responsibilities, work pressure etc. It was difficult in the very beginning since the entire gamut of the business fell upon my shoulders. Family and personal life has of late taken a beating as I have been unable to devote time to my family. On this occasion I would sincerely thank my wife, my children and my friends who have been supporting me in my new initiative. The
Genetics of Retroviruses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Genetics of Retroviruses - Essay Example The core contains two identical copies of the single stranded RNA genome. The RNA molecules are complexed with reverse transcriptase and tRNA. Other viral proteins like integrase are also components of the virion particle. The outer envelope glycoprotein (SU), is the major antigen of the virus, and is responsible for receptor binding. The trans-membrane glycoprotein (TM), holds the SU protein in the envelope, and is responsible for membrane fusion ââ¬Å"All retrovirus genomes consist of two molecules of RNA, which are s/s, (+)sense and have 5 cap and 3 poly-(A) (equivalent to mRNA). These vary in size from ~8-11kb. Retrovirus genomes have 4 unique features: These two molecules are physically linked as a dimer by hydrogen bonds (co-sediment). In addition, there is a 3rd type of nucleic acid present in all particles, a specific type of tRNA (usually trp, pro or lys) - required for replication.â⬠Gene order in all retroviruses is invariant: 5 - gag - pol - env - 3. The gag (group-specific antigen, core protein) gene encodes proteins that make up the nucleocapsid of the virus as well as a matrix layer, the two of which surround the RNA. The pol gene (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) encodes three proteins, reverse transcriptase, which copies the RNA into DNA, integrase, which integrates the DNA into the host chromosome and protease, a protein that cleaves the Gag-Pol polyprotein into smaller protein products. The env gene encodes the envelope glycoproteins. ââ¬Å"Some retroviruses have incorporated viral oncogene sequences.â⬠( The genomes of complex retroviruses, such as human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) cont ain additional genes (e.g., tax and rex) for regulatory proteins. R Region: A short (18-250nt) sequence which forms a direct repeat at the both ends of the genome, which is therefore terminally redundant.U5: A unique, non-coding region of 75-250nt
Behavirol and Socail Sciences on Sex Offenders Essay
Behavirol and Socail Sciences on Sex Offenders - Essay Example It is difficult to predict the occurrence of sex offenders in our localities. However, some precautions are to be taken for minimizing their negative effect. In USA, the sex offenders who are convicted for their crime record are restricted to some places after their release from Jail. They are generally kept away from the school premises and day care centers for ensuring the safety of children and patients. Unfortunately, the number and frequency of sex offenders has been on rising trend in the recent years. This is not a healthy trend. There are several reasons or factors that contribute to the development of behavioral changes in sex offenders (Carla Van Dam, 2001). For successful management of these sex offenders one has to thoroughly understand the types of sex offenders and their behavioral trends in society in general and USA in particular. Keeping this in mind, the present study is being undertaken to assess the present scenario of sex offenders in USA, main causes of nature o f sex offenders and their management techniques. The present study has reviewed some studies undertaken on sex offenders in USA and other parts of the world. In this process, different research studies on factors affecting the sex offenders were analysed. The behavioral changes among sex offenders were identified and prioritized based on the extent. At last the management techniques for reducing the problem of sex offenders were chalked out leading to a meaningful conclusion. It was reported by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that approximately 100,000 sex offenders in USA are not living in the places of their registration, which is not an encouraging trend (Abby Goodnough and Monica Davey, 2009). Hence, efforts must be made to identify the floating population of sex offenders so that the negative effects caused by them can be minimized. This also throws a light
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Short Story Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Short Story Analysis - Essay Example The basic assumption of the current report is that through a combination of tone and setting, Hawthorne sets up a theme of growing unreality and sin in the work, in which Goodman Brown goes from a lucid, sane person, to a forever-changed witness of evil and sin. This response can be applied to the Hawthorne short-story quite easily, as it seems that Goodman Brown is also undergoing a sort of intuitive emotional struggle throughout much of his walk in the forbidding and unnatural woods. The story focuses more on the immediacy of these impressions than it does on the later evaluation and interpretation of them by its protagonist, who is seen to be effectively closed-off after his dream/experience. hides his intentions from both Faith and the reader, so it is effectively a mystery as to where he is going. This effectively draws the reader further into the story because their curiosity is piqued as to Brownââ¬â¢s destination. ââ¬Å"What a wretch am I to leave her on such an errand!â⬠Brown cries internally and mysteriously, ââ¬Å"Methought as she spoke there was trouble in her face, as if a dream had warned her what work is to be don tonight. But no, no; twould kill her to think of itâ⬠(Hawthorne, p. 375). The protagonist heads off into the wilderness. through, and closed immediately behindâ⬠(Hawthorne). The narrator is also increasingly closed-off and isolated from the good of society as he walks. ââ¬Å"It was all as lonely as could be; and there is this peculiarity in such a solitude, that the traveller knows not who may be concealed by the innumerable trunks and the thick boughs overhead; so that, with lonely footsteps, he may yet be passing through an unseen multitudeâ⬠(Hawthorne). As noted, it seems that Goodman Brown is undergoing a sort of emotional struggle of resistance throughout much of his walk in the unnatural woods and wilderness. The story focuses more on his impressions of resisting evil in the woods than it does on interpretation of these
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
More perfect union speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
More perfect union speech - Essay Example The problem was first caused by the white race subgroup in the United States as against other racial subgroups, especially the African-American subgroup. No matter what side it is, having and spreading resentments does not help alleviate conflicts and sharp differences. Anger and resentment does not solve any problem. In fact, sentiments and notions of anger and resentment add more fuel for problems to escalate. Anger and resentment only encourage animosity and division among people and groups. Conflicts arise when anger gets in the way of better judgment, and clouds rationality and logic. The world is already rife with too many prejudicial tendencies by groups that espouse ambivalent notions. Even religious leaders are guilty of preaching such messages, basing their sermons and teachings on personal beliefs and experiences. In relation to that part of his speech, Obama quoted William Faulkner by saying that, ââ¬Å"the past isnt dead and buried. In fact, it isnt even past". What Obama is trying to say is that issues of the past regarding race relations are still ongoing, and have never been put to rest. This was especially visible and expected during Obamaââ¬â¢s campaign for presidency, in which the likeliness of him winning the post was unexpected. Take into consideration the fact that all the United States presidents before Obama were Caucasians. This implies that American society still considers race as a factor and issue in national decisions. That being the case, the question that arises is whether a trans-racial society is possible and desirable in the United States. It is possible for such a society to exist, but only if the people learn and are educated to see society and state beyond the differences of race. There needs to be a change in cultural awareness, which plays a significant role in social activities. Differences in
Short Story Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Short Story Analysis - Essay Example The basic assumption of the current report is that through a combination of tone and setting, Hawthorne sets up a theme of growing unreality and sin in the work, in which Goodman Brown goes from a lucid, sane person, to a forever-changed witness of evil and sin. This response can be applied to the Hawthorne short-story quite easily, as it seems that Goodman Brown is also undergoing a sort of intuitive emotional struggle throughout much of his walk in the forbidding and unnatural woods. The story focuses more on the immediacy of these impressions than it does on the later evaluation and interpretation of them by its protagonist, who is seen to be effectively closed-off after his dream/experience. hides his intentions from both Faith and the reader, so it is effectively a mystery as to where he is going. This effectively draws the reader further into the story because their curiosity is piqued as to Brownââ¬â¢s destination. ââ¬Å"What a wretch am I to leave her on such an errand!â⬠Brown cries internally and mysteriously, ââ¬Å"Methought as she spoke there was trouble in her face, as if a dream had warned her what work is to be don tonight. But no, no; twould kill her to think of itâ⬠(Hawthorne, p. 375). The protagonist heads off into the wilderness. through, and closed immediately behindâ⬠(Hawthorne). The narrator is also increasingly closed-off and isolated from the good of society as he walks. ââ¬Å"It was all as lonely as could be; and there is this peculiarity in such a solitude, that the traveller knows not who may be concealed by the innumerable trunks and the thick boughs overhead; so that, with lonely footsteps, he may yet be passing through an unseen multitudeâ⬠(Hawthorne). As noted, it seems that Goodman Brown is undergoing a sort of emotional struggle of resistance throughout much of his walk in the unnatural woods and wilderness. The story focuses more on his impressions of resisting evil in the woods than it does on interpretation of these
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Monopoly Review Essay Example for Free
Monopoly Review Essay 1. What character did you choose from the available choices? Why? What are the pros and cons of choosing this character in the game? The character I pick was pat the plastic surgeon because she makes a lot of money the pros are that she makes a lot of money and the cons are that he life is work. 2. What housing and car option did you choose? Why? I pick the mansion because she makes a lot of money. 3. How much money did you allocate for the characters retirement and paying off debts? Were you successful in management the money so that the character has some disposable income? I allocated 2785 to pay off debts yes I was successful to management the money so that the character has some disposable income 4. How do the changes in the game from year to year reflect real-life economics? Changes in the game from year to year is reflect of real life economies by how money is spend from for thing here and there and you can get in debt 5. What was your ending net worth? How many years can you exist on your current salary with your current salary? My ending net worth was about 22456871135 I think it was that it was about 6 years with the salary of 75000 or something like that. 6. What do you think you did well in the game? What do you think you could improve in regards to managing the characters money? That the end I have no debt I think I did great it no being in debt I could improve is to save more money and not to spend money Play the game again, but using a different character. 7. What character did you choose for the second game? Compare and contrast the situations of the first and second characters. The first time I play tis game I got a debt free at the end of the game and I got to retire in 6 year if I save my money my hole life and the second time I played it 8. How did your strategy differ between the games? Did you change the way that you did anything? I didnââ¬â¢t really had a strategy thought out the game but I thought how it would change the way I look at thing thought out the game 9. Did the differing levels of income, debt, and lifestyle expenses influence the choices that you made? Why or why not? yes the differing levels of income and debt was a influence the choices that I made because of the spend of money and the people who are out there trying to get my money 10. What can you learn from this game about managing your own finances? I learn that everything you do like spending money is finances impact every on a pack of gum.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Looking At The History Of Animation Film Studies Essay
Looking At The History Of Animation Film Studies Essay Firstly Edward Mybridge used 24 cameras to record the actions of Humans in Motion stop motion pictures. By this method they learned the dynamics of animal movement. In 1880s Thaumatrope two side one side with bird and other side with cage when twirl it the two image superimpose on each other and the bird will appear inside the cage because of the persistance of vission. Zoetrope is the series of images which are drawn and placed in a cylindrical object when the object revolves the images in a cylinder creates the illusion of motion and creates an animation in 1860s. 1878- THE PRAXINOSCOPE It is similar to the Zeotrope but its requiring mirrors to project the image. Emile Reynaud was the first person to opened first movie theater in Paris using the Praxinoscope. 1891- THE KINETOSCOPE The famous American inventor Thomas Alva Edison built on the previous models a model of his own which is considered to be the first cinema machine. It consisted of a box through which a reel of photos were passed, at a rate of 46 images per second, and lit by an incandescent lamp; the spectator could see the show through a peephole. In 1896 he shot the first movie kiss of all time. 1894- THE CINEMATOGRAPH In 1894 the French duo of Lumiere brothers created the first real movie camera. They were intrigued by the Kinetoscope and tried to build a better model themselves. They came up with a machine which the called the Cinematograph which was a combination of a camera and a projector. In 1895 they shot the first movie called Date. This movie is considered to be the birth of cinema. Flip Book is the process of drawing a picture some semilar to the another, by fliping the page the an animation is being create. The similar process is also called cel animation. Cel and Paper Animation Technique By mid of 1910s animation production in US was already controlled by the techniques of cell and paper. America was the most popular in cell animation than in Europe because of assembly line Taylorism that had taken America by storm.Cell Animation wass most appropriate way to the assembly line style of manufacturing because itook a whole line of persons working on very specific and simple respective duties. On the other hand in Europe where the assembly line style of work was not encouragd, clay animation and other form of animation that required only a few individuals working on the set at a time was more popular. Because the actual set can only afford a limited amount of individuals working at one time together and no more this style and other alternative forums of animation became more widely accepted. Disney Cell Animation By drawing each image background and layout of scene one at a time using onion-skinning technique. The element or character which might have movement are drawn on transparent sheet of paper known as Cels and laid over the background which is static. Only moving elements need to be redrawn, backgroung can also be drawn longer and moved to give the effect of travelling. For eg- The simpsons, South park etc. These days most of the work done on Computer. Synched Sound : Steamboat Willie was released on November 18th 1928 by Disney. The first cartoon synchronized with sound titledSteamboat Willie was created by Disney. Firstly Didney tried to get a deal with RCA or Western Electronic to record the sound track of the movie but it was not succided. Then Walt signed contract with botleg Powers Cinephone process and even with disastorous finally the first sound track in a session was recorded with a 15-pice band and his own Micky squeaks. The Future of Animation 3D Animation Toy Story released November 22nd 1995 On enterance of computer graphics and 3D softwares the feature length film of high graphics can virtually be created in 3D. Toy Story is considered to be the first full length animated feature film which ever made on computer graphics. Toy Story was made by the partners Disney and Pixar. Story board of the movie to final render created in CG digital imagery. Combination of 3D 2D The Iron Giant released on 1999. If we see the Iron Giant it looks like the traditionaliy drawn cell by cell but its not true the giant robot is actually made and designed in 3D software and rendered as a 2D image. Autodesk Maya was used to design this character. One of the most important advantage in creating 3D software is that it is easy to animate no need of frame by frame drawing. Also most of the backgrond which looks like 2D were also made in 3D software and rendered as 2D image. Fishing released on 1999 Pacific Data Images use of non realistic photo, realistic water colour effect rendering in 3D software. Character Animation is all about what the character is thinking .At times, he was getting lost. Is he happy or sad? So we punched it up. Rather then having him just look up at the sky, we had him jump off the ground just a bit. That touch better communicates what he is thinking, what his feeling. Thats all I do all day long as a character animator- move 3D models to look like their thinking David Gainey Dinosaur released in 2000 With the development of the technologies of Computer Graphics it introduce a new and more realistic CGI characters accordingly those seen in Dinosaur. The creation, design and implementation of real technology of realistic digital hair on the lemurs are elaborated. Kung Fu Panda was released on November 9th 2008 with the development of advanced technology DVDs and Blue-ray Disc produced by DreamWorks Animation and was distributed by Paramount Pictures. However the concept of Kung Fu Panda has been around since 1993, but the work started on this feature film in 2004 because of the flexibility of the software flexibility or the software development. Berief History of Indian Animation Dadasaheb Phalke is known as the father of Indian cinema he produced 95 movies and 26 short films in his 19 years career. Ek Anek Aur Ekta, a short traditional animated short educational film was released in 1974 was considered as the first animated film from India from Doordarshans Film Division. The theme of the film is to teach children the value of unity. This film was the first animated films from India which was broadcast on National television channel and it was broadcast in the nations official language Hindi. The first Indian animated television series is Ghayab Aaya was released in 1986 and it is directed by Suddhasattwa Basu. And Rodeside Romeo is the first Indian 3D Animated film was written and directed by Jugal Hansraj and was produced by a joint project between Yash Raj Films and the Indian Division of the Walt Disney Company. Development of Animation Principles: Almost all of the principles of traditional animation were developed at the Walt Disney Studios in 1930s. The principles of the animation were developed to make good animation, especially character animation, more realistic and entertaining. All the principle which was developed during the traditional animation is applied to 3D CG animation. There are 28 Principles of Animation out of those 12 principles are considered as basic but most important principles of animation introduced by the Disney animators Ollie Johnstone and Frank Thomas in 19 81 in the book called The Illusion of Disney Animation. Their effort is to produce more realistic animations The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation on the work of the leading Disney animators from the 1930 onward. The book and its principles have become generally adopted and have been referred as the Bible of the Animation Industry. The principles are still having the great relevance or the computer graphics animation.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Nature Imagery and the Life Cycle in Robert Frostââ¬â¢s The Wind and the Ra
Nature Imagery and the Life Cycle in Robert Frostââ¬â¢s The Wind and the Rain In his poem ââ¬Å"The Wind and the Rain,â⬠Robert Frost develops a central theme, presenting a manââ¬â¢s reflection upon his life. As the man ages, he realizes that he spent much of his life worrying about his inevitable death instead of living his life to the fullest. The man expresses his desire to renew life at all costs; he would rather die living than spend the rest of his life concerning himself with death. Robert Frostââ¬â¢s theme in ââ¬Å"The Wind and the Rain,â⬠therefore, is that life should be lived, and one should not worry about his inevitable death, for he does not have the power to control death, only the way he lives his life. Frost uses images of nature throughout the poem to support his central theme. In part I of ââ¬Å"The Wind and the Rain,â⬠the speaker discusses the fact that he is aging, and his death is undeniable. He realizes that he has ââ¬Å"let [his focus on death] drive [him] deathward,â⬠yet he has done little to change his focus. The man regrets that he spent much of his life ââ¬Å"[singing] of death,â⬠wishi...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Comparison of This Perfect Day, Brave New World, and 1984 :: comparison compare contrast essays
This Perfect Day, Brave New World, 1984: Dystopian Masterpiece This Perfect Day belongs to the genre of "dystopian" or anti-utopian novels, like Huxley's Brave New World and Orwell's 1984. Yet it is more satisfying than either. This Perfect Day is probably Ira Levin's greatest work of his career. Levin's work, despite being written in 1970, is very plausible having realistic technology, such as scanners and computers which watch over the entire family, the entire population of the world. This novel could be used to show the dangers of a Utopian society as well as being full of anti-Communist and anti-racist sentiment. This Perfect Day also displays the feeling that communist and segregated institutions can be defeated, as the protagonist Chip over powers the "family" and their vile Uni Comp as well as rising above the segregated community he reaches after fleeing the family. This work could best be placed in an area of the curriculum where it is the students job to learn that although everyone might not be equal, nor should they be, they are st ill human and deserve to be treated with the respect and kindness we would expect to be treated with. This work could be used in conjunction with other works of literature that display the same ideals against communism and discrimination as well as a lack of compassion for others. Other works that could be used in cohorts with Levin's This Perfect Day, are Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut and even the Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Both of these novels show the dangers of trying to create a Utopian society and the chaos it causes. In Harrison Bergeron, handicapping has become an American institution and it is the governments responsibility to make sure that everyone is equal in every way which ends up causing chaos and rebellion. The Handmaid's Tale shows the dangers of when an extreme group takes over the United States after a nuclear holocaust, with women being placed in a submissive role to men, only being used to reproduce. This Perfect Day could also be used in a section with novels such as Uncle Tom's Cabin which portray the evils of racism and discrimination, just as the land where Chip ends up after escaping the family, is very racist and segregated. He is forced to endure the taunts and tortures of the folks who had fought Uni from the beginning, yet he rises above these bounds to return and destroy Uni Comp, thereby destroying the family.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Describe and Explain the Violence of WW2 on the Eastern Front Essay
Describe and explain the violence of WW2 on the Eastern Front War on the Eastern Front was merciless and ruthless. It was fuelled by both racism and ideology, and driven by two dictators Hitler and Stalin. The Nazis wanted to extend their territory at the expense of the Russian citizens, abolish communism and exterminate Jews. In this essay I will describe and explain the violence on the eastern Front, the extreme violence during the war such as the siege of Stalingrad and the violence against civilians, for example massacres, burning of lands, attacking of villages, etcâ⬠¦ Hitler wanted to expand the German territory, therefore in June 1941, he invaded the Soviet Union in an attack names Operation Barbarossa. He was expecting the Russians to give in and to have a Blitzkrieg (Lightning war). He had not anticipated the Russian resistance and the winter, which was very harsh), and that Stalinââ¬â¢s regime was brutal and efficient. Moreover, the USA sent money and supplies to the Russian army to help. In May 1941, an order was issued to the German army to kill all political leaders and officials without any process or consideration. After the advance of the operation Barbarossa an operations group named Einsatzgruppen, consisting of police launched a crusade against all Jews and communists. Due to the Nazi ideology their goal was to exterminate them. Hitler succeeded in killing 2 million people, including women and children in this way. In June 1941, Stalin gave orders to fight to the last drop of blood. He wanted his people to fight and resist or if they could not, then to destroy all of their food and goods. This left the Germans (and left over civilians) starving as they advanced. In December 1941, the soviets launched a counter-attack on Stalingrad and the Germans found themselves besieged in the freezing cold winter. Neither Hitler not Stalin wanted to give in as their hatred for each other was so strong and their ideologies completely opposed. As a result 300000 German solders got trapped in the ruined city of Stalingrad, in a siege that lasted 163 days. Most froze or starved to death. By the end of January 1943 the Germans could do nothing else but surrender. World War 2 was a very violent war, especially on the Eastern Front where the Nazis confronted the Soviets from 1941 to 1945. It was so bloody and cruel because of the absolute power that both Stalin and Hitler held, and their ideological positions.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Of Mice and Men â⬠Discuss the themeââ¬â¢s in the play Essay
By themes, I mean the ideas, which the author is trying to give us. Most authors do not write just for fun, but to show us that there is a message that they would like us to learn behind the plot. Usually the ideas are ones that the author believes in deeply. The themes are under the following headings: * Loneliness Loneliness affects many of the characters, and Steinbeck seems to show that it is a natural result of the kind of life they are forced to lead. The workers are caught in a trap of loneliness ââ¬â they never stay in one place long enough to form long lasting relationships. Even if the relationships existed, they would probably be destroyed by the demands of their life. Candy is lonely because he is old, and is different from the other hands. His only comfort is his old dog, which keeps him company and reminds him of days when he was young and whole. He has no relatives, and once his dog is killed he is totally alone. He eagerly grasps at the idea of buying a farm with George and Lennie, but of course this all comes to nothing. Candyââ¬â¢s disappointment is shown in the bitter words he utters to the body of Curleyââ¬â¢s wife, who he blames for spoiling his dream. George is also caught in the trap of loneliness. Just as Candy has his dog for company, George has Lennie (who is often described in animal-like terms). George too is left completely alone when Lennie is killed. The dream farm is his idea, and he says ââ¬ËWeââ¬â¢d belong there â⬠¦ no more runninââ¬â¢ around the countryâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬â¢ Another lonely character is Curleyââ¬â¢s wife. Newly married and in a strange place, she is forbidden by Curley to talk to anyone but him. She constantly approaches the ranch hands on the excuse of looking for Curley. The only result is that the men regard her as a slut, and Curley becomes even more intensely jealous. Finally, her loneliness leads to her death as she makes the mistake of trying to defeat it by playing with Lennie. Curley himself is lonely. His new wife hates him, as do all the ranch hands who dislike him for his cowardice. He has married, to try and escape his loneliness, but has chosen a wife totally inappropriate for the kind of life he desires. His feelings are all of aggressive behaviour, which places his wife further away from him and leads to the incident with Lennie where his hand is crushed. Crooks is another who is isolated because he is different. He copes with it by keeping a distance between himself and the other hands. When he does allow himself to be drawn into the dream of working on George and Lennieââ¬â¢s dream farm, he is immediately shut out by Georgeââ¬â¢s anger. * Violence The story has many examples of a kind of needless violence. For example, Candy relates how the boss gave them whisky and allowed a fight to take place in the bunkhouse. Curley is the most obvious violent character, and whenever he appears there is a feeling of tension. He causes George to remarkââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ ¦what the hellââ¬â¢s he got on his shoulder. Candy explains that Curley often picks on big guys (a sure sign of trouble for Lennie). We are prepared for Curleyââ¬â¢s later anger, which adds up at the end in his wish toââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ ¦ shoot him in the guts.ââ¬â¢ Carlson is another character associated with violence. He is unconcerned about killing Candyââ¬â¢s dog (and in fact cleans the gun in Candyââ¬â¢s presence). He goes to watch the fun when Curley thinks Slim may be with his wife, and later threatens Curley more, saying ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ kick your head off. Later he is very keen to get his gun to join in the hunt for Lennie. The last words in the book belong to Carlson, and it is little surprise that they reveal his complete inability to understand Georgeââ¬â¢s feelings about the death of Lennie. Compared to the other characters, Lennie reveals an unintentional violence. He does not even think to fight back when Curley attacks him, but when he does, it is with immense and uncontrollable power. He has so little control over his own strength that he accidentally kills his puppy, and then minutes later snuffs out the life of Curleyââ¬â¢s wife. His actions on these occasions are compared to those of an animal, powerful but thoughtless. Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is attracted to him because of the violence he had shown in crushing her husbandââ¬â¢s hand. It is the threat of violence to be used against Lennie that causes George to take the final step of killing his friend. * Dreams Dreams are one of the ways in which the characters fight the loneliness and hopelessness of their day to day lives. The most obvious example is the dream farm, a dream shared at first only by George and Lennie, but which later spreads to include Candy and Crooks. Crooks reveals that it is the favourite dream of the ranchers: ââ¬ËSeems like everââ¬â¢ guy got land in his head. ââ¬ËIt is a powerful dream, and even Crookââ¬â¢s falls under its spell for a short time. To Lennie, the dream is a cure to disappointment and loneliness, and he often asks George to say the description of the farm to him again. Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is another who has dreams, her fantasies of a part in the movies and a life of luxury. Part of her sadness with her life is that it can never measure up to her dreams. But, none of the characters ever achieve their dreams. * Nature Steinbeck shows that nature is a beautiful and peaceful place, but threatened by the actions of men. The beginning of the story sets this pattern, as the creatures at the pool are disturbed by George and Lennieââ¬â¢s approach. The ranch and its buildings, being created by men, are in contrast with the natural world. For example the bunkhouse is quite bare and stark. Even more unnatural is that Candy and Crooks are either deformed in appearance. Contrasted to these two characters is Lennie, who almost seems a part of the natural world as he is described in animal terms. In fact, one of Lennieââ¬â¢s dreams is to go and live by himself in a cave. Maybe this would be the only way in which the natural world of Lennie would not come into conflict with the world of men.. Steinbeck referred to this story as a play/novel, and we are shown how closely it does resemble a play. Each section or chapter is set in a clearly defined place like a scene in a play. The beginning of each section contains detailed description, like stage directions in a play, while the rest of each section is mostly dialogue. This may seem like a rather unreal way to write a novel, but Steinbeck does it so well that we do not notice. A noticeable feature of the language of the novel is what a critic might call ââ¬Ëeconomyââ¬â¢. One result of this is that almost every sentence is important in one way or another, either in developing a character, moving the plot forward or hinting at action still to come. Steinbeck has skilfully created a number of parallel events into the story. Candy and his dog provide a parallel to George and Lennie. And also, when Lennie kills Curleyââ¬â¢s wife, it echoes his earlier killing of the puppy. There are many such echoes and parallels in the book. Steinbeck has also shown us the way in which capturing the spoken language of the characters gives a better feel to the story. Most of them are uneducated, and this shows through in their use of broken and slang language. Even their uneducated pronunciation has been shown Steinbeck also uses colours and sounds to great effect. For example, Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is associated with red, symbolic of danger or passion perhaps. A further strong association is that of Lennie with animals. At various times he is described as a bull, a bear and a dog. Even when not directly compared with an animal, he is described in animal terms. For example, his hand is a paw. This is particularly appropriate for Lennie, as he usually acts in the simple, natural way of an animal. Soledad is a real place in California and its name can mean loneliness or a lonely place. A cue to one of the major themes of the novel right at the beginning.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Cinderella/Everafter Comparison
Sarah Hubbard September 19, 2010 Childrenââ¬â¢s Lit Review/Analysis One EVERAFTER/A CINDERELLA STORY Cinderella is a classic childhood fairy tale of a young woman whoââ¬â¢s mother and father both die, leaving her with a wicked stepmother and two wicked stepsisters. There have been several movies portraying this classic tale. One of which is Everafter starring Drew Barrymore. In this movie a girl loses her father and mother leaving her to be a servant for her stepmother.She meets a prince and falls in love. In another Cinderella type story line A Cinderella Story starring Hilary Duff, a girl who loses her parents end up with her stepmother and two sisters. She falls in love with the popular boy in school, who ends up being her prince charming. Both movies are based on the same classic fairy tale yet they differ from each other and the classic story. The storyline of Everafter is more similar to the classic tale than that of A Cinderella Story.Everafter has all of the usual simil arities to the classic version for example, her parents die, she ends up with her evil stepmother and two evil stepsister (one of these sisters ends up being good in the end), she falls in love with a prince, she gets help from two woman working in her house, she loses her glass slipper, prince charming finds her and presents her with her glass slipper and they live happily ever after. In the version known to most children, Cinderella does not fall in love with the prince until she goes to the ball and has to be home before midnight.In this movie she meets the prince while he is borrowing a horse from her manor. She dresses up like a countess and he falls in love with her. At the ball when she goes to tell him who she really is, he gets mad and she runs away, losing her glass slipper. In the childrenââ¬â¢s version of the story the prince goes house to house trying to find the one who fits into the slipper and she will be his bride. In Everafter, the prince realizes what he has lo st and goes to her house only to find she has been sold. He then has to go rescue her and presents her with her glass slipper.In both stories they live happily ever after. A Cinderella Story varies much more. This movie is set in present time and in America, whereas the others are thought of as older times and set in Europe. This movie still has the classical story line but with a twist. She lives with her step mom and two step sister, she does all their chores, there is a boy whom she falls in love with, she has help from a woman who has been her friend for all of her life, there is a search for the mystery girl, and she drops something when she is running away because it is midnight.That is where the similarities end. There are many more differences from the classic tale in this modern day movie. The character Sam (Cinderella) and Austin (prince charming) exchange emails and chat online before meeting. Austin has a girlfriend who is mean to Sam. After finding out who Sam really is Austin does not fall in love with her right away. Sam tell Austin to stop pretending to be someone he is not and then Austin shows who he really is and only then can prince charming fall in love with Cinderella. They go off to Princeton together and live happily ever after.I enjoyed Everafter more than I did A Cinderella Story because Everafter seems more of a fairy tale, more of a dream or fantasy. Whereas A Cinderella Story seems like it could happen in everyday life. For me, I would rather fantasize that I could be a princess and find my prince than fantasize about talking to a boy on the Internet and going off to college with him. I think that the differences in A Cinderella Story did detract from the experience for me. On the other hand I think in Everafter the differences enhanced the movie.For example, getting to know the relationship between Cinderella and the prince enhance the love you feel for the characters. In the Cinderella I knew as a kid it was more like love at fir st sight. In this movie their love grows in to a relationship, which makes it seem more likely to actually happen. These movies would attract a child viewer because every little girl knows the story of Cinderella. The modern day twist may make a little girl believe that something like this could actually happen to her and learn from the moral of the story.I think that Everafter would be more appealing to a young girl because what little girl doesnââ¬â¢t want to be a princess. Both of these stories shows that in the end good things happen to good people and the bad guys get what they deserve. I think that is a very inspiring message to send to a child. I would recommend both of these movies to everyone. There is no inappropriate language or messages that would be offensive to anyone. Everafter is one of my all time favorite movies and I have never heard anybody say anything bad about it.This movie would be appropriate for little kids, teenagers, young adults, adults and older peop le. Both movies are Cinderella type stories so they would probably influence girls more than they would boys. A Cinderella Story is aimed more at teenage girls. Younger girls may also like this movie but older people might think it was for younger more immature kids. In conclusion, the classic fairy tale of Cinderella is portrayed in both of the movies, Everafter, and A Cinderella Story.Each movie has similarities to the classic fairy tale, but Everafter is closer to the original story than A Cinderella Story. A Cinderella Story has a modern day twist, with technology and high school. Everafter on the other hand is set back in time and has a European setting. Both girls in these movies lose their parents and end up serving their stepmothers and step sisters, they both fall in love with someone in a different ââ¬Å"classâ⬠than themselves, yet both end up showing the guy that it class doesnââ¬â¢t matter when it comes to love and they all live happily ever after.
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