Friday, May 31, 2019
How the Characters of the Scarlet Letter Represent Sin :: English Literature Essays
How the Characters of the Scarlet Letter Represent SinLexico Publishing Dictionary at defines sin as 1. A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate, and 2. Something regarded as being shameful, deplorable, or utterly wrong. These who definitions cleary represent the sin in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter, through the characters Hester Prynne, her daughter Pearl, Dimmesdale the father, and Chillingworth, Hesters husband.Hester Prynne, the wearer of the historied scarlet letter that gave the novel its name, is the storys source of the unforgivable sin that tears through the community of Boston in the 1600s. Hesters future and reputation in her scummy home town were changed forever after she was sentenced to wear the beautifuly embroidered scarlet letter A for the rest of her days in the village. This letter on her chest forces her to be a public outcast, and a symbol for everyone else around her to look at, as a sinner. As Hawthorne d escribes it, It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary dealings with humanity and enclosing her in a sphere by herself , it did just that. Hester soon realizes that she is in a world of her own now, and essential deal with this penalisation as she has brought it onto herself. Since the scarlet letter itself represents sin, it brings about her isolation from the world and shows her sin will affect her own livlihood. Also, things such as guilt and lonliness are concequences of her sin, that she must learn to deal with. But probly the most important symbol of her sin is her daughter Pearl, as she is living evidence of the adultery between Hester and Dimmsedale.Pearl, the outcome of the comparison between Hester Prynne and Reverend Dimmesdale, is the very embodiment of Hester. Pearl represents them same thing the scarlet letter represents in once sense, as both are outflow to Hester forever and are both outcomes of her sin. Both Pearl and the letter A add to the anguish and pain that the scarlet letter offer from her mothers sin. Pearl is not just a reminder of the deed like the scarlet letter, but actually helps in the torturing of her mother without knowing it. As it did to Hester, the scarlet letter became a big part in Pearls life. Pearls attraction to it drove her mother into even more suffering.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Cone Effect :: essays research papers
          First of all, my definition of the cone effect is this a theory inwhich all media content is amplify then sent through a publication orbroadcast that carries advertisements to individuals with differentperceptions leading to a "perceived media reality" which is incorporatedinto every twenty-four hours life. I believe this means we are media, media is us, and weare one. If we would all take a look at our sounds we are just a jumble ofrepresentations. In my opinion, from the twinkling we are born to the daythat we die we are media. We are born a certain sex boy or girl. Thatrepresents something. Boys stop blue girls wear pink. This symbolizes toeveryone what we are. We dont hold up we are boys or girls until someonetells us. We have set and defined expectations for our lives, as well asways that we must act. From that day forward we learn our media from ourlives, our families, friends, and literally everything we come in c ontact with. Everything we do and everything we see leaves some trace of animpression on us and represents something to each of us. Thats why Ifeel that media is us. Media is everything. We are just representations.           It makes me very frustrated to think seriously about this. It makesme question everything that I have had to believe as a member of society. It makes me question countless things in my life. It made me think aboutlife in general. What is reality? Truthfully, I dont make love if there is a way toanswer this question for everyone but I think we all need to examine ourlives in general and the everyday lives that we live in and question them. Everything we do or say has a representation so again, that is media. It isall around us. It is everywhere. Most places we dont even know that it isgoing on.     In my inspection of my life and the media that surrounds me I havefound media to be almost everywhere. It is everywhere. Almost everything Ihave and use has labels on it from change state to food. Some things even haveadvertisements of other things on their labels. All of these productsrepresent me. I wear these clothes because I like the way this brand looksor I want to belong to a certain group so I wear similar clothes. I eat certainfoods because someone introduced it to me or it is the brand that I like.
A Need For Education :: essays research papers
The Once And Future King by T.H White is a four part book of magic, love, death, war and medieval tales. The book tells the tale of how the Wart (Arthur) becomes king and how he goes about life. The need for education is very important the lessons Arthur learns and his application of them later in life demonstrates this importance.The lessons Arthur learns as a child is taught to him by various animals. On the signs over each ant tunnel was a notice which read, Everyaffair Not Forbidden Is Compulsory (122). In the life of a worker ant there is no free thought allowed. The worker ants also have no free will they do only what they are told to do and nothing else. Another good example is the view of Lyo-lyok the goose There are no boundaries among the geese (170). Lessons learned from the geese are those that enlighten leaders take charge when a leader is needed. The geese also teach Arthur why war is unnecessary. In those lessons Arthur learns that Communism is oppression, is war, an d Lyo-lyok teaches that war is not the only thing one should depend on. Later in Arthurs life, he uses his education to form ideas of using might for right. For example, Arthur rhetorically inquires, Why cant you reign might so that it works for right (248)? Asserting his idea Arthur decides to fight the battle at Bedegraine in hopes of stopping people from thinking of war as he once did. With that idea in mind Arthur wishes to use might to show people what is right. Arthur then decides to enforce his idea of might for right by creating a league of knights (The Knights Of The Round Table) this idea leads to a genius proposal in when he states, Then we can have a circular circumvent (265). Arthurs round table idea prevents jealousy and competition among the knights.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay --
In the Crito, Socrates debates with his friend and follower Crito on escaping from prison where Socrates awaits execution. Crito unsuccessfully attempts to persuade Socrates to melt from prison further the latter is adamant and opts to remain in prison and meet his fate. This paper argues that Socrates had strong convictions in his arguments. Therefore, the paper defends Socrates finality citing it as accurate and commendable nevertheless though it marked the end of his life. Firstly, the paper examines Critos propositions exhibiting the eminent strong points as well as the destabilizing shortcomings. The second part examines Socrates defense outlining why it was the rightful(prenominal) choice. The main attention will be on Socrates core argument founded on justice and doing injustice maligns ones soul. Therefore, the paper concludes by show that it is not worth to live with a tainted, distraught and ruined soul. Propositions by CritoAccording to Crito, there are three major re asons as to why Socrates should escape from the prison. Notably, Crito offers lame self centered excuses for Socrates escape. Indeed, two of the reasons do not stand ground whereas the third concentrates on the victims responsibility to his offspring. Crito begins by proposing Socrates escape because failing to do so will doubly hurt him. Firstly, Crito enjoys a warm and cordial friendship with Socrates. Therefore, his execution would distraught and melancholy him. On the another(prenominal) hand, Crito says that the execution of Socrates will harm his reputation. People will tantalize, taunt and jeer him for valuing his monies more than the life of his friend. This is because Crito can bribe Socrates way out of prison. According to Crito, the cosmos will be prejudicial to him un... ...educed that it is not significant to live but instead to live a just and moral life. The second argument that supports Socrates decision to stick around in prison is that of the repercussions to the city of Athens. If Socrates escaped, the Athens city together with its fabric, laws, would be annihilated. By the extension, destruction of the Athens city equally destroyed the lives of flock of Athens. Socrates argues that harming others is similar to harming ones soul because such an act constituted an unsporting act. Therefore, it was a wiser decision to meet death rather than escape. Finally, Socrates considers the consensus argument in his decision to stay in prison. Escaping from prison broke his consensus with his city and such an act constituted injustice. Therefore, it constituted maligning ones soul and, therefore, it was better to die than live with an unjust soul.
Poes Fall of The House of Usher Essays: Metaphoric Images :: Fall House Usher Essays
Metaphoric Images in Poes Fall of the House of Usher   The Fall of the House of Usher, one of Edgar Allen Poes most celebrated tales has captured the imagination of readers both young and old. With neat skill, Poe has metaphorically succeeded to mirror unlike objects in nature. One sewer find examples of how Poe has succeeded this throughout this short story. Among one of the first examples that one can find is ...that quaint metaphor for the body...(Montgomery 373). The ancient metaphor that one can find is that of Roderick Usher and the later being the Usher house. With some close reading of the story, one can see how these two unlike objects mirror each other. To commence an analysis of the different examples found in the story, one must get some apprise some brief background information. Roderick Usher was excessively reserved during his childhood and there after. Roderick was the product of inbreeding which had caused him to lead a rather unhealthy life. According to M agill in the book Masterpieces of World Literature, since the Usher family had left only a direct line of descendants, the family and the house had become as one, the House of Usher(291). One can repugn that this is true, but in my opinion, the relationship between the house and Roderick can be found in their descriptions. The storys narrator describes Roderick as more zombielike than human. This is due to Rodericks cadaverous seventh cranial nerve complexion large, luminous eyes, thin and very pallid lips, his nose of a delicate Hebrew model, his small molded chin, broad forehead, and his soft and weblike hair(Magill 364). throughout the story, the narrator describes Rodericks large eyes and hair with having a wild gossamer texture (Thompson 96). Rodericks unhealthy life has caused side effects to occur. They include such things as looking old for his age and at times trembling for no apparent reason (Bloom 60). The House of Usher is also similar to Roderick in their description. The houses facade, as the narrator describes, resembles a giant face or skull with its eye-like windows and the hairlike fungi that hangs on the houses facade(Magill 364). The stonework that covers the Usher house is in decay. This stonework reminds the narrator ...of old wood-work which has rotten for keen-sighted years in some neglected vault. (Bloom59). The Usher House seems so fragile that it seems its instability will cause it to fall(59).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
South AfricaPresenter Mr. Confidence OkoyeBoard Prof. Donna CookeClass & Location MAN3611 & LA 243 battle March 12, 2014Time 930 amCustomsSouth Africa (SA) is a multi cultural society and therefore has military personnely diverse customs, communication styles and cultural values. Among all the 9 provinces and the 11 official languages, the text will focus on only four English, Africans, Xhosa, Ndebele, and Zulu. The English speakers inherited most of their customs from the British after they were colonized. The Africans withal inherited a portion of the Dutch settlers food traditions like rusk and biltong. The rusks are dried biscuit and they are often served with tea or coffee. The biltong is a way to preserved meat in place of a cold fridge. Xhosa tribe is located at the eastern cape of South Africa. This tribe in particular has patchy customs which is expected of their people to follow so as to be recognized by the community Academia. Since the birth of a child, the Xhosa spea king tribe initiate the new born into their customs. At a certain age in a mans life the culture mandates that the male undergo a circumcision ritual to transform him from being a boy to a man Academia. A man in this context means someone who can partake in community discussions, acquire or inherit wealth and to have a wife. This ritual last for 3 months and any male undertaking the process will be referred to as a thing or a dog, of no epoch-making value to the community and his family, until they have completed the requirements of the ritual Academia. The males must overcome pain as the surgeon clips a portion of the penis skin. This male shall also repeat these words stated by the doctor, youre a man and the boy says I am a man. And by d... .... THE HOFSTEDE CENTRE. South Africa. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. .Deresky, Helen. internationalist Management Managing across Borders and Cultures Texts and Cases. Upper Saddle River (NJ) Pearson Education, 2011. PrintKatz, Lothar. Ne gotiating International Business - South Africa. N.p. n.p., n.d. 1-6. Rpt. in Http// N.p. n.p., 2007. Web.Join & Share Your Research with the World. How Boys Become Dogs Stigmatization and marginalisation of Uninitiated Xhosa Males in East London, South Africa. Qualitative Health Research Xx(x) 1-11. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.Zulu Traditions. Reveal the Story of the Heavenly People South African Tourism. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Mod c
To what extent does the representation of past events and recollections lead us to a boundless knowingness of the complexity of human attitudes and behavior? In exploring the Inherent tensions between news report and memory and by acknowledging the specific authorial choices, we are lead to a heightened intelligence of the complexity of human attitudes and behavior. Mark Baker holds a tight reign of control over his work by deciding what to keep and omit throughout his non-fiction prose text, the Fiftieth Gate.While Rugged juxtaposes our knowledge about the Vietnam War with a very personal and poignant recount in their song and video l was simply nineteen. Baker identifies selectivity, tensions and similarities between past events and recollections that are revealed through the blend of different text types and features in addition to characters emotions and actions. Whilst Rugged utilizes first person and film techniques in order to achieve identical effects. Baker adheres to h is objectives by making specific authorial choices which initiate partial views.These views originate a boundless consciousness of the complexity of human attitudes and behaviors. It always begins In blackness, until the first light illuminates a hidden fragment of memory. Baker economic consumptions the Imagery and motif of light to portray memory as fragmented and subject to fulfillment by annals. In the first and last line of the fiftieth gate history Is perceived as merely an drippy construct, providing only one version of the past. Bakers specialized determinations allow him to develop a broader understanding and through growth, the complexity of his human attitudes and behaviors become apparent. L realist how deeply hide is his pain. I eave always pitied myself for the grandparents I do not have, rarely considering my fathers own orphaned state (pop). Bloodcurdling is evident through Bakers own statement, his attitudes begin to neuter as a result of his one sided views to history, which allow baker to focus on specific aspects of his parents memory. I would prefer to leave the Idea of me rather than bits and pieces p. 304 Bakers decision to study his parents memories, by fulfilling them with history, causes his own bloodcurdling.Baker realizes memories are more valuable since history Is bits and pieces of the whole story. Bakers change and development of attitudes and behaviors Is consequent to his authorial editing with regards to his methodology and objectives in spite of appearance the Fiftieth Gate. In contrast to Bakers partiality when examining history, Rugged accentuates memorys partiality, in reference to war stories from the song l was only nineteen. And the Anza legends didnt mention mud and blood and rupture/ and the stories that my father told me never seemed quite real. These lines refer to the Juxtaposition between memories retold by the personas father about war and the experiences of the persona himself. Rugged uses dual scenes r unning simultaneously during these lines to enhance the disparity between the calm music and the harshness of the Vietnam War. Which contrasts Bakers bloodcurdling due to specific authorial choices of the way history Is analyses In the fiftieth gate. finished comparison of Bakers bloodcurdling and Residuums emotive language It becomes obvious that history Is multi-faceted and cannot be taken on face value. O his dual role as historiographer and Son and his validation of his parents memories by history, therefore expanding the awareness of the complexity of human attitudes and behaviors. Genie Stop interrogating me. Because I dont have a number means I didnt survive? (p. 194) gate 32. This recording of Genie, portrayed through italics, expresses her depressed and reluctant attitude toward reciting memories to her son due to the lack of historical Justification. The tension between history and Genies memory evokes a change in her attitudes and behaviors, causing Genie to be against Bakers exploration in to his parents memories.In contrast Yogis accepted Bakers leadership since his memories are confirmed as a result Yokels collective memory ND varied historic evidence. Yokels was a past written on a page of history overlap by other survivors. My mother could not point to any one (p. 136). Bakers Juxtaposition between his fathers authenticated memories and his mothers lack of, represents the contrasting tension between history and memory and its effect on different people. Yokels attitudes and behaviors were changed to accept Bakers questions since his memories were supported largely by past events.Rugged, similarly to Baker, examines the ever surmounting tension between history and Emory to add our acknowledgement of the complexity of human attitudes and behaviors. Frankie kicked a mine the day that mankind kicked the moon, God help me, he was going home in June. Rugged with the use of rhyme trivialities a historical event, kicked the moon, to increase the impact of the personas memory of a friends death. he was going home in June emphasizes the tension and neglecting of history since Frankers leave in June was 11 months after the moon landing, focusing of the significance of the memory rather than the historical event.The complexity of the reasons attitudes and behaviors, like Genie and YOGIS, have been further analyses through his chemical reaction to the labyrinthine relationship between history and memory. In exploring the inherent tensions between history and memory and by acknowledging the specific authorial choices, we are lead to a greater awareness of the complexity of human attitudes and behavior. Mark Baker and Rugged, with in the texts fiftieth Gate and l was only nineteen, Juxtaposes and agree on how the perception of the complexity of human attitudes and behavior is heightened do to the directions and tensions of history and memory.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Panera Bread Case
These locations enable them to service both the shopping customer base, but also the equines base co-located In these high traffic areas. Their vision is angiotensin converting enzyme that their customers will love freshness of their harvestings and the tastiness of their offerings to the degree that they will be driven to visit their stores repeatedly and often. gratify believes that the values they rear their customers are creating hale healthy foods, maintaining affordable prices, to always innovate, and respect for both customers and employees.Bread is a staple of life and Pander believes that by them enhancing the flavors menu offerings around bread, then they will gain their ease market for baked goods served by Pander outlets and franchises. As a customer of Pander, I can tell you that their product offerings are so flavors that they are a strength to their business. There are two areas where the slogan or vision appear to deviate from the text 1) overly broad language and 2) sooner generic. That said, we are talking about bread and bread is the single most important staple for human life, next to rice.It works. One of Panders strategic objectives is to expand their product line, creating further distance between them and their rivals, and to increase heir sales In foreign markets. They will achieve that strategic objective as a leave behind of continued Investment and focus In five key business areas 1) the quality of their food, 2) their increased marketing expenditures, 3) the roller of their Napery loyalty program, 4) the growing of their provide business, and 5) the quality of their operations and their people.We believe that success in these five areas will place Pander at the top of the list of the really best companies in our industry and are a direct result of continued Investment in the quality of our customers experience to alp drive product differentiation and thus provide Pander a completive advantage among Its peers. The Investme nts that were made over the last three years flip driven Panders results in 2011 and they believe the investments that were made in 2011 puzzle them well for the future. Item 2 The company financial objective is to consecrate semipermanent operating earnings growth target of 12-17% per year.In 2011, Pander had a very good year. Their Earnings per Share (PEPS) grew 28%. This was their fourth consecutive year that their PEPS has rowan 24% or greater which Is above the upper end of their long-term earnings growth target. Their performance in 2011 was driven both by their strong operating performance as well as their ability to flummox PEPS growth through deployment of their excess capital. Earnings growth of approximately 20% was driven by core operations, which was above their long-term operating earnings growth target of 12-17%.Additionally, an Incremental 8% earnings growth was driven by the more their ability to grow their bakery-cafe sales. In 2011, their Company- have bakery- cafe sales increased 4. % vs.. 2010, and move up to 12. 4% on a two-year basis. They also celebrated the opening of their 1,50th store, nationwide. This, coupled with their debt free position, they believe these results will put them among the very best in their industry and are a direct result of continued investment in the quality of their customers experience to drive product differentiation and competitive advantage.The investments that they have made over the last few years drove their results in 2011 and they believe the investments that they made in 2011 position them well for the future. Item 3 & 4 NOT SHOWN Item 5 This is a good example of sales, earnings and balance sheet analysis. It is missing the same store analysis and franchise versus owned stores analysis The net income for Pander Bread has increased from the third quarter of 2011 to the third quarter of 2012 by 22% or $36. MM. The Administration expense is up $MM. This is something we will continue to manage along with their asset growth.Total assets are up by $MM in 2011. Return on Equity was 20%, which is 3% above the high end of their range of 12-17%. The Return on Invested Capital (ROCCO) is 5. % which is up from 4. 8% from the previous year. Inventory turnover when compared to the industry is really tremendous. Their list turnover ratio was 95. 5 as compared to the industry 6. 5. The sales growth has grown from 2010 being 6. 29% quarterly to 15. 79% quarterly in 2012. This shows a very strong growth in sales year over year and ties well to their strategy of growing sales within their market areas. It shows a strong demand for their product.The balance sheet for Pander is solid, in that they have 1,027,322 in total assets and totally 372,246 million in total liabilities. They are basically debt free. They are showing year over year improvement in assets, liabilities, stockholder equity, revenues, and both company operated and franchise stores as well as the round of company owned and franchised Panders opening every year. Earnings per share have risen from 0. 98 to 1. 25 over the last 12 months. Although system statewide revenue has increased every year since 2002 their sales growth has been erratic. For 2006-2007 there was an 18. 17% growth in sales revenue.From 2007-2008 revenue slowed to 16. 34% growth, before falling all the way to 5. 45%. It should be noted between 2009-2010 sales growth picked up to 1 1. 8%, indicating a possible upward flight of stairs after faltering during the recession. This is evidence off well-run, well-managed company. From all indications, their strategy appears to be working in quarter over quarter sales improvements. Items 6 and 7 Pander Breads Value Chain consists of Inbound Logistics Pander Dough Supplier, Other Supplier Management, Manufacturing Franchise and Store-owned Cafes, Catering, R&D Product Research and Development and Marketing.Each franchisee purchases net income directly from Pander Bread. Pander has an inte rest in each of the franchised stores succeeding because the company received 4%-5% royalties from sales continually. This means that Pander, as the supplier, has an interest to keep open prices of dough as low as possible to maintain viable franchise operations. Outbound logistics each franchisee purchases dough directly from The fresh dough is sell to both company-owned and franchised bakery-cafes at a delivered cost not to exceed 27% of the retail value of the product.These costs margins are achieved by producing the dough at primordial locations while employing economies of scale. Pander provides comprehensive house training, market analysis, and bakery-cafe certification. This corporate level tactic impacts the companys franchised and company owned stores by enabling Pander to develop systems utilise by all the cafes thus applying operational economies of scale. Since each cafe-bakery does not have to develop its own operations structure this reduces costs for each store. A ll the cafes offered an miscellanea of 20-plus varieties of bread baked daily and as of 2006 at least 22 types of sandwiches.Each of these breads and indices were regularly reviewed by the Marketing group to determine whether the products matched regular customer needs, sassy consumer trends, and seasonal relevance. The complexity of the product line enables Pander to match menu items with a variety of customer needs. This process ensured that weak selling items would be remove thus limiting excess inventory. Panders Marketing is using focus groups to determine customer food and drink preferences, and price points. This work is done by only a few individuals at the corporate level and scaled to the rest of he cafes.The existing company and franchise owned cafes would be able to nurse advantage of this market information and subsequently reduce costs associated with sales and marketing information. Involving Panders research and development new menu items were rolled out in limit ed cafes and developed in test kitchens prior to nationwide release. This process addressed two cost drivers. First, by employing economies of scale, individual cafes will not have to spend resources and capital investing in the development of new menu items.Second, through the expertise of he advanced research and development department Pander ensures both quality of product and process. This will result in less product waste and increased customer satisfaction and in turn take down costs. Pander Bread utilizes both structural and execution cost drivers to lower costs on the value chain particularly in inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and research and development. Their cost reduction across their value chain gives Pander a strong competitive advantage. Pander pursues continuous quality improvements in separate ways.They are well known for their after sale service. They are known for contacting customers who leave complaints offering them an ything from coupons to free meals when their service is not up to par. Their high customer retention rate lends one to believe that they are also making improvements based on customer reviews. Their emphasis on marketing allows them to lead new products that succeed because they are attached to the brand. An example of this would be their recent success with parfaits. They have also redesigned their stores over the years to make them more esthetically pleasing, further building their own brand.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Case study -Edward Essay
It was developed by his past give birth from infancy up to present. The theater of operations would recover depressed whenever he is experiencing paranoia and suspicion. This will lead for the strung-out to be deprived of sleep, lose his appetite and experience extreme sadness. He in any case experience feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness. When he was an infant, his commence was always busy at work as a utility man. His mother is the only unity who is always taking c are of him.Although the resign was loved by his siblings, he still deeply longs for the love of a father it is the main reason out for the development of his impairment in interpersonal functioning. When the defer reaches his early childhood up to puberty, his longing for the love of a father is still with him. This longing for love of a father developed his hatred. He thinks that his father doesnt love him because he is not spending so much time with him.There was an instance where he humbled his father in antecedent of his friends by answering back without respect. The subject feels guilty after that incident. He knows that he should piss not done that. And when he was in college, he was criminate of organism involved in afight between two fraternities because of his tattoo. This jaunts his suspiciousness and paranoia. He thinks that mountain or so him are talking somewhat his interestingness in that fight. In fact, he correct thinks that some of his friends are NBI agent trying to blemish on him. He becomes very depressed because of his anxiousness.He plane experience visual and auditory hallucination. This affects his perception towards himself and the environment. As a event, his boilers suit functioning became impaired by making him deviate from what he believes is real from bootless and right from wrong. Abnormal content of intellectionThe patients content of ruling was abnormal. It is deeply depressed and anxious. Because of his visual and auditory hallucin ations, his insane ideation was developed for he believes that what he sees and what he hear is true. The patient has delusion of persecution. He would think that people most him are always talking about him. He tied(p) hears voices from television and radio talking about him. He thinks that people around him are planning something to destroy him. This solvinged for the subject to became depressed and be emotionally unstable. Because of his paranoiac ideation, the subject becomes very anxious about people around him.He thinks that vendors and door-to-door salespersons are NBI agents trying to get nurture about him. He in time thinks that his friends, classmate and relatives are conspiring against him. The subject also has a delusion of grandeur. He thinks that he is very popular worldwide. He is also having a suicidal thought but is afraid in acting upon it. The patient is also having a feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness as he says wala nang kwentang mabuhay. He even f eels that he has no assort and everyone is against him, he said that, wala na kong kakampi. This also triggers his impairment in overall functioning.Illogical form of thoughtThe patient has a thought insertion. He is calling it dagdag bawas. He said that there were times that his thought were world taken away and then brought back. His form of thought was illogical. He thinks that people around him are spying and conspiring against him. He is having irrational suspicion about people around him due to his auditory hallucinations thatmade him anxious. He is acting thence to his auditory hallucinations which are commanding him to do things. He would also rather hear a word which is out of context of what is being said to him or latter added in a word changing the meaning of the sentence. Distorted perceptionThe patients perception was distorted he would think that what he it was made of human flesh. He decided not to eat anymore because he believes that it will make him more of a si nner. He believes that he is an aswang and everything he ate was made up of human flesh. He decided to stop eating because he thinks that it will make him more of a sinner. He also believes that he deserves to go away and acted upon it by slashing his wrist with a knife. He views himself differently far from what is real. This resulted for the subject to lose his appetite and passing play his interest in things. He also believes that he is known internationally. He would also believe that people around him are conspiring against him to destroy him. This resulted for the patient to echo. Increasing his anxiety, and impaired his overall functioning.Mood and affectHis mood was deeply depressed and anxious. It is due to his paranoid ideas about his friends and family conspiring against him. He even said that wala na kong kakampi because he thinks that everyone around him are destroying him. He even thinks that his family is spying on him too. He is preoccupied with that thought. His affect was constricted due to his overlook of emotional reactivity. It is the result of his depression because he finds it substantial to express his emotions and feelings. In fact, in his MSE report, there are no verbal outputs about his speech, thought process, thought content, judgment and insight, and reliability. Impaired sense of selfThe subjects sense of self was impaired due to his unawareness of his physical and mental state, he believes that the problem is not in himself but in the environment, although he is somewhat right in that point considering the environmental factors that which have led to his impairment, but in reality the problem was inside himself, he is the only one who can help himself and of course the origin of his disease was his weak sense ofself due to his inability to fight it off, he easily believed his hallucinations and his distorted perception about people, things and his self, in other words he was the one who pushed himself to madness. He believe d that he is an aswang making him to decide to stop eating. He also believes that he deserves to die and acted upon it by slashing his wrist with a knife.Altered volitionThe subjects course of action was altered by his false beliefs about things around him. He stops on eating because he believes that he is an aswang and everything he ate was made out of human flesh. He also decided to withdraw due to his paranoid ideations about people around him. He viewed most of the people around him to be NBI agent spying on him. He even reacts accordingly to his auditory hallucinations which are commanding him to do things that are harmful to him. He also decided to kill himself by slashing his wrist with a knife because he believes that he deserves to die.Impaired interpersonal functionIt is first developed when the subject is still a child. His father is not always around him making him envious with other kids which have a hefty relationship with their father. This longing of fatherly love d eveloped hatred towards his father. He even embarrassed his father in front of his friends by cheering and execration at him. This incident made his relationship to his father more difficult. And when he was in college, he was mistakenly incriminate as one of the students who started the fraternity fight because of his tattoo. After that incident, gossip still continues about him being involved about the fight which is believed to be drug related.This made the subject to be very anxious about people around him. He thinks that his classmates are NBI agents in civil trying to spy on him. Because of his paranoid ideations, his interpersonal activity decreased because he decided to withdraw. It made him depressed and loss his interest in things. Change in psychomotor functionThere was a drastic change in the patients psychomotor function after the incident of being mistakenly accused of being involved in a fight twofraternities. His suspiciousness towards people around him is extreme to the point that he believes that even his family is conspiring against him. He experience slowing of movements described as kilos parang zombie. This is the result of his loss of appetite and interest in things. He is also having difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep. It made him flatulent and affected his psychomotor functions. As a result, his interpersonal relationship was affected because of his condition. He became depressed and decided to withdraw and isolate himself. This made the subject have low self esteem and feels inadequate.DepressionDepressed or sadThe subjects depression was due to his past unhappiness. It may be the result of his guilt feelings about his relation to his father and to his brothers business. He feels guilty about embarrassing his father in front of his friends by shouting and cursing at him. And the incident of being mistakenly accused of being related to a fraternity fight made him depressed. After that incident, gossip about him still co ntinued and precipitated his illness. He became very anxious about people around him and made him preoccupied with his paranoid ideation. As a result, the subject loss his appetite and interest in things. His interpersonal relationship is also affected and his overall functioning became impaired.Guilt FeelingsThe subjects guilt feelings are the result of his past unhappiness. When he was in high school, there was an incident where he embarrassed his father in front of his classmate by shouting and cursing to him. He feels guilty after it but he did not apologize. He also feels guilty to the closure of his brother-in-laws electronic shop. He thinks that he is the reason why the business became bankrupt and felt guilty about it. This resulted for the subject to become depressed in feel self worthlessness. He thinks that he is beneficial for nothing as the voices in his head telling him that he is walang kwenta. Feelings of worthlessnessBecause of his paranoid ideations, he becomes ve ry anxious about peoplearound him. He started to think that everyone is against him and he has no allies. This made him think that it is not worth living and he deserves to die. There are even voices who is telling him derogatory remarks like, walang kwenta, lapastangan , gago , and raper which made the subject made more less worthy of himself. His feeling of worthlessness triggers his suicidal thought. He acted upon it by cutting his wrist with a knife. abject and helplessnessThe subject felt hopeless and helpless due to his paranoid ideations. He believes that his classmates are NBI agent in civilian trying to get information about him after he was accused of being involved in the fraternity fight. He thinks that everyone around him is against him. He also thinks that he has no allies left even his own family. He believes that his family is talking about him and saying that he is rock-steady for nothing. He was once heard saying wala na kong kakampi. He viewed people around him suspiciously. This worsened his depression and he feels more worthless, hopeless, and helpless and drove him to the idea of suicide.Feeling of inadequacyThe subject has feeling of inadequacy because of lack of fatherly love. He feels envious to other kids who have a good relationship with their father. His feeling of inadequacy is also caused by his guilt feelings about his brother-in-laws business closure. As a result, the subject feels worthless, hopeless, and helpless. There are voices in his head saying that he is walang kwenta. It made him feel that he is really good for nothing. He said that he has no allies left even his own family and he thinks that he deserves to die. This triggers the subject to level suicide.Suicidal IdeationThe subjects suicidal ideation is due to his feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness, and helplessness. He thinks that everyone around him, even his family and relatives, are conspiring against him. He said that he has no allies left. He feels inadequ ate and he believes that he is good for nothing. He even heard voices telling him that he is walang kwenta and heheard a voice calling him Judas. It made him depressed and he decided to commit suicide just the way Judas did. He hanged himself with a rope but he failed in doing so. The thought that he deserves to die trigger him to finally do his suicide attempt by cutting his wrist with a knife. AnxietyHis anxiety was triggered after he was mistakenly accused of being involved in the fight of two fraternities. After that incident, gossip about his involvement continued. That is the time when the patient started to think that some of his classmates are NBI agents in civilian trying to get information and spy on him. He became very anxious about people around him. He is preoccupied with the thought of being watched by someone. He suspected even the vendors and door-to-door salesperson to be NBI agents. As a result, his social functioning was affected by his anxiety and paranoid ideati ons.Social Isolation and withdrawalThe patient has a lot of anxiety and paranoid ideas around people around him. There is an incident where he is but one night, he felt someone touching his ear and calling his name. This made him depressed and made him withdraw. He isolates himself because of the thought that he is being watched by people around him. He feels suspicious even to his family. He thinks that everyone is conspiring against him to destroy him. His feelings of inadequacy also reinforce his attitude of social isolation. He feels that he is good for nothing and he has no allies left even his own family. His delusion of persecution is the main reason of his social isolation and withdrawal.Low Self-esteemThe subject has low self-esteem because of lack of fatherly love. He feels envious to other kids who have a good relationship with their father. His low self-esteem is also caused by his guilt feelings about his brother-in-laws business closure. As a result, the subject feels worthless, hopeless, and helpless. There are voices in his head saying that he is walang kwenta. It made him feel that he is really good for nothing. He said that he has no allies left even his own family and he thinks that he deserves to die. This triggers the subject to commit suicide. His lowself-esteem is also caused by his paranoid ideation and illogical thinking about people around him.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Role of Research and Statistics in the Field of Psychology
John B. Watson work on classical behavioristic psychology that paved the charge for B. F. muleteers radical or operant behaviorism which has had a large jar on edu unbowed beepional systems. Watson was oneness of the influential psychologists of the twentieth century. His material is still utilize in most psychology and edu guy wireional psychology texts. Watson helped with defining the instruction of behavior anticipated Skinners emphasis on operant conditioning and the impressiveness of culture and purlieual influences in human developwork forcet.Watsons criticized of Sigmund Freud has been given credit for fate to disseminate principles of Freudian psychoanalysis. Watson is known for the Little Albert playing field and his dozen healthy infants quote. Watson is given credit for popularizing the term behaviorism with the publication of his seminal 1913 article psychological science as the Behaviorist Views It. In the article, Watson argued that psychology had failed in its quest to become a natural science, largely due to a focus on ken and other unseen phenomena.Rather than study these unverifiable ideas, Watson urged the c beful scientific study of observable behavior. His view of behaviorism was a reaction to introspection, where each researcher served as their own research subject. The study of consciousness by Freud and Watson believed to be subjective and unscientific. Watson believed that controlled laboratory studies were the most effective government agency to study learning. In approach enjoyment of the learners environment was the key to fostering development.The approach wears in contrast to techniques that placed the emphasis for learning in the mind of the learner. The 1913 article gives credit for the founding of behaviorism but it had a minor impact after its publication. Watson prepared psychologists and educators for the highly influential work of Skinner and other radical behaviorists in subsequent decades. B. F. Skinner was one of the most influential theorists in modern psychology. His work was very important and has been studied by many a(prenominal) for years. His theories have helped mankind in many ways.He studied the behavior patterns of many living organisms. His most important work was the study of behaviorism. John B. Watson, behaviorism is one of the most widely studied theories at once Influence in Psychology. B. F. Skinner was one of the most famous of the Ameri fuck psychologists. Skinner was responsible for experiments such as the Skinner box. He wrote approximately very famous books. One of them was The Behavior of Organisms. This book describes the basic points of his system. Another was Walden Two. This book describes a utopian society that functions on positive reinforcement.Behaviorism is a tame of thought in psychology that is interested in observable behavior. Skinner said, Behaviorism is not the science of human behavior it is the philosophy of that science. There are var ious types of behavior, such as innate behavior. Innate behaviors are certain behaviors. B. F. Skinner, in his novel Walden Two, presents many arguments almost how he foresees a positive qualifying in the world through manipulation of behavior on the in the flesh(predicate) level. B. F. Skinners entire system is based on operant conditioning. This organism is the process of operate on the environment.This operating the organism encounters a special kind of stimulus called a reinforcing stimulus or reinforcer. The special stimulus have the effect of change magnitude the operant which is the behavior occurring. Operant conditioning the behavior is followed by a consequence or the nature of the consequence modifies the organisms tendency to repeat the behavior in the future. Example you have a cat and the cat just playing around with a ball and when you throw the ball at the cat and the cat catches it and you give him a treat. The cat is starts to catch the ball as you throw it in the air .The operant is the behavior prior to. The cat will anticipate the trick which youre were enjoying. This is called extinction of the operant behavior. If you were to start showing the dog treats then likely the cat with start doing the tricks again and more quickly than the cat learned at first. This is because the return of the reinforcer takes place in a reinforcement history that goes all the way back to the first magazine the cat was reinforced for doing the tricks. Freud and Skinner agree that human behavior is the result of outside barriers that hinder the ideal of free ill. Skinner believes that humans in good environment can live happy while Freud understands that humans are design to live in some degree of anguish or discontent. Skinner uses the role model of Walden Two to illustrate his ideas of how human behavior should be formed. Skinners argues on how to eliminate what he knows as problematic rests on his prescription of dismissing the notion of single(a) f reedom. Skinner does not only say that the ideal of individual freedom is farce. He takes further and states that the search for it is where society has gone wrong.He wants no snap off in the quest for individual freedom. If we give up this illusion, says Skinner, we can condition everyone to act in acceptable ways. Skinner has a specific prescription for creating this utopian society. He believe that all that is demand is to change the conditions which surround man. He believe that by controlling what a persons environment is it is possible to craft a man to behave in any way. Skinner wants to use this notion to create a world without pain and suffering. In Walden Two, he describes what conditions are necessary to create a world of happiness.Skinner proposes that to create his perfect society one need only to come up with the characteristics of what man should be. Edward Chace Tolman was a modern cognitive psychology. He showed that animals in learning mazes acquire organized spa tial and temporal information about the maze and about the consequences of various alternative behaviors. He was combating the dominant views of his time which emphasized the acquisition of conditioned reflexes rather than knowledge about environmental events. Although several short biographies or reviews of Tolmans contributions are (Crutchfield, 1961 Crutchfield et al. 1960 Hilgard, 1980 Innes, 1999, 2000 McFarland, 1993 Ritchie, 1964 Tolman, 1952), it is appropriate that one be holdd in an encyclopedia of learning and memory because workers in this field today are using ideas that were initiated and developed by Tolman. Tolmans findings and ideal have helped to fig modern understanding of learning, memory and cognition. Tolman was similar to the behaviorists in his ideals on objectivity and measurement. He did not believe reinforcement was necessary for learning to occur. Tolman (1932) proposed five types of learning pproach learning, escape learning, avoidance learning, choic e-point learning, and latent learning. All forms of learning depend upon means-end readiness, goal-oriented behavior, mediated by expectations, perceptions, representations, and other internal or environmental variables But the problems with his work were that he poorly defined many terms that he used in his fundamental theories, and that is difficult to develop predictions from a point of view because of lack of find out the nature and strength of expectations before hand and when or how expectations may change.There are different ways to think about humans and their behaviors. In modern psychology provide researchers a way to approach problems and find ways to explain and predict human behavior. Develop new treatment for problem with behaviors. All triple men contributes to psychology even to psychologist are still using their methods in studies. Several area of the humans behavior is accomplished by Skinner, Watson and Tolman that stand today in modern psychology.These men did not agree on every thing but made a caramel ground in studying the human behavior. Also they was studied of animal compare with the humans behavior which many theory still exist today. These three men remain widely accepted, but all have contributed tremendously to our understanding of human thought and behaviors. The field of psychology has come a long way and these are three men that help paved the way for modern psychology for researchers and student who studied field pertaining to psychology.The Role of Research and Statistics in the subject area of PsychologyThe Role of Research and Statistics in the Field of Psychology Abstract Research and statistics are essential elements within the field of Psychology. Through the evolution of technology, the childbed of conducting adequate research and statistics methods have become abundant in methodology. Because of such, research collection and experimentation approaches of researchers and Psychologists, greatly vary in specificity. However, one method reigns true and consistent, and that is the Scientific Method of which will be further explored.This paper will discuss and make sense of the roles in which both research and statistics play in the field of Psychology, and the procedures in which such methods are conducted will be defined. This will include explanations of the validity, importance, and relevance of the above stated procedures, as such are referenced for study. The Role of Research and Statistics in the Field of Psychology Research and statistics play a crucial role in the field of psychology, both of which are used to ascertain and examine informational information. Such methods are used to greatly increase the effectiveness and success of an organization or field of study.Scientific or logical informational information is typically established through the use of the scientific method. Over the course of research history and study, the scientific method has become known to be the most reliable and consistent method of obtaining dependable knowledge. Such knowledge is then kept and apply by researchers, either for their own study ( particular selective information), or by a secondary party referencing said data (secondary data). Essentially, the field of Psychology is geared towards ascertaining the truth about people, the mental process, and behaviors that follow.The truth can only really be found through the above methods. The Scientific Method For as long as the human mind has had thought, human beings have, in one way or another, questioned, observed, and analyzed the world we live in and the way we proceed to live within it. These human beings, the thinkers, the observers, the analyzers have always been and still remain the scholars of their time period. The phrase method of scholars is an alternative title for the scientific method, for it is the absolute best set of methods in finding the truth, and of course the scholars would know. It has often been said that th e greatest uncovering in science was the discovery of the scientific method of discovery (Feibleman, 1972). This method is an investigation in which a problem is initially identified. With this, observations, experiments, and other relevant data (provided by research) are then used to create or test hypotheses that lead to conclusions about the original problem. The steps involved in this process include 1) Forming a testable hypothesis. 2) Devising a research plan and method of application. 3) Collecting data and researching. 4) Analyzing the data and reaching possible conclusions about the study. ) Report findings. This research can be characterized as an activity of creative work that is carried out in a systematic way in an effort to increase knowledge and truth. In the field of psychology, this refers to the knowledge of the human mind, human behavior, cultures, and societies. In order to fully understand how researchers, scientists, psychologists, scholars, and students alike reach such conclusions, one needs to recognize the importance of the research process and measures that are applied when conducting the various types of psychological research.With this knowledge, one will not only understand what is involved in reaching conclusions about psychology, but also how to do so oneself. (McLeod, 2008) Primary and Secondary Data. Primary and secondary data are both key components in any darn of information. These two types of data are used within many avenues of life, not just research and science. They can be published or unpublished and in any media presentation, from print to electronic. Therefore, since Primary and secondary data are quite abundant, yet perhaps undistinguishable from the uneducated eye What exactly are the differences and characteristics of such?The distinct difference between primary and secondary data is the method of research in which the data was found. While primary data is both researched and utilized by the same source, second ary data comes from the research of a combination of external or secondary sources. An accurate example of primary data is that of personal vital statistics records, for such are accounts that have been personally witnessed and recorded by the source, and then kept by public institutions, as well as the source. particular examples of personal records would include but are not limited to birth certificates, death certificates, and marriage licenses.Such examples are vital to the functioning of an individual and the organization (country) of which that individual resides. Additionally, such documents can be used in genealogical research, and other research projects related to society, culture, and psychology. One stepped removed from the original source of data, would be data that is secondary. A prime example of such would be information found in textbooks and historical documents, which are comprised of information that was borrowed from multiple primary sources.Case in point, when a history book includes computed data regarding a regions birth and death rates for a specific time period, the birth and death certificates would have originally been considered primary data, but when utilized and calculated by an outside source for the purpose of a study shown in the book, that data then becomes secondary. (McLeod, 2008) Statistics in Research. Statistics are a crucial part of research. Without, statistics, it is nearly impossible to attain a definitive conclusion and/or compute data in any research study.Being that the study of statistics is the science of collecting, analyzing, and making inferences from data, it quite literally communicates research findings in an effort to give credibility to the research itself. Obviously, it is imperative that researchers understand statistics, however, it is also important that the habitual population has at least a basic understanding of such. For not only researchers, but the entire population is bombarded by statistics every day, and in one way or another, everyone performs research.Whether the research is nominal, such as comparing prices, or significant, such as proving a ground breaking psychological theory, the point trunk that it is all research and all research is comprised of statistics (Aron & Coups, 2009). Conclusion. Arthur Schopenhauer once said, Just as the largest library, badly arranged, is not so useful as a very domesticate one that is well arranged, so the greatest amount of knowledge, if not elaborated by our own thoughts, is worth much less than a far smaller volume that has been abundantly and repeatedly thought over. Schopenhauers quote is an excellent representation of the importance of research, the scientific method, primary data, secondary data, and the role of statistics in research. Essentially, an teemingness of information is only influential and valuable when it has been analyzed and brought to purposeful point. Through the understanding and proper use of the abov e explored topics, one can surely make a positive impact upon the field of Psychology and research alike. References Aron, A. , Aron, E. N. , & Coups, E. J. (2009). Statistics for psychology (5th ed. ).Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson/Prentice Hall. Darwin, Charles. (1859). On The Origin of Species by Means of inhering Selection, 428. Retrieved from http//todayinsci. com/QuotationsCategories/P_Cat/Psychology-Quotations. htm Feibleman, Dr. James. (1972). The Scientific Method. Retrieved from http//www. scientificmethod. com/index2. html McLeod, S. A. (2008). Psychology as a Science. Retrieved from http//www. simplypsychology. org/science-psychology. html Reiff, Harwood, Phillipson. (2002). A scientific method based upon research scientists conceptions of scientific inquiry. (Presentation). Presented at the Annual international Conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science. Retrieved from http//cires. colorado. edu/education/outreach/rescipe/collection/inquiry standards. html Sage, Nicole. (2001). Steps of the Scientific Method. Introduction to Research. Retrieved from http//finntrack. co. uk/learners/research. htm Figures The Scientific Method based on Research Scientists Conceptions of Scientific Inquiry (Reiff, Harwood, Phillipson , 2002) Standard Steps of the Scientific Method (Sage, 2001)
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Retention Process Essay
The reason for this document to be written is to show how a business employees new people.For each one of these I will give away what they mean and which one is taken step by step1. Business approval this is when a business is approves of having a staff piece that is needed for the accompany in that department and they feel it is needed in this situation, They go through the board of directors to get the answer.2. Job analysis this is when a employee goes to a company finds extinct what their reflect is and follows what a different person is doing in the job and writes down what they argon doing in their job they have a bun in the oven applied for.3. Job description this is what the job is offering to the person what they will need to do in their time at the company i.e. working hours, pay, frequency and etc. This also describes the job you are applying for and what you will have to do if you get the job this is used to explain to potential employees to debate what they are o ffering to them and to let them know whether they are adapted to do the job that is being given to them.4. Person Specification matching the job description to the qualifications of the person applying for the job, it is used for explaining that to apply for this job you need to have certain skills to do this job efficiently.5. Advertising this is when a business needs a replacement or a new staff member to train for the space left so what the business has to do is to either post the job on the internet to look for replacement to even increase their chances of getting some to do the job than they could put a advert in the local newspaper. There are two ways you can advertise a job by putting it on the paper which is a non electronic way of advertising the job or they could put it on the internet as this is a electronic way a of advertising a job.6. Candidate short listing this is when the business is reducing the number of candidates to the final three or so on.7. Interview/Testi ng this when a business ask the person who has applied for the job has to come in for a interview to say whether they are capable of getting the job done and they could try and find a person that can do the job more efficiently than the previous person. plainly if they feel they can bring good quality to the company they may do a test on them to see how they cope under blackmail and what they will give back to the company.8. Selection this were the company starts to select its candidates for the job in certain situations you may be asked to perform certain task to see how well you cope with the task or situation. They may even rate you on how good you perform in that.9. Reference This is when a company is rough to accept you and they need a person to agree with them that they deserve the job this can not be a relative it has to be a non family member so it can either be a banker, doctor, teacher10. Employee Induction this is the first day for the employee if he/she has passed all of the task so far case-hardened by the company then this will be his/her first induction in which they will show you were you are working what you are going to do in the company and for the company.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Marketing and Dove
Pricing Strategy 2. 2. 1Factors affecting pricing decisions (Types of market) The internal gene that affects the pricing decision of Dove is ground on marketing strategy, objectives and mix. The Dove Company mostly is working on the market of womens personal assist. Dove has a large range of point of intersections from ooze to hair lave. The company strategy and objective is to have a high level of segmentation to answer to the many needs of the womens personal care market and to widening stereotype view of beauty in younger generation, pre-teen and teenager girls.Besides, the market mix strategy is the price decisions must be coordinates with product design, distribution, and promotion decisions to form a consistent and effective marketing program. Pricing Strategy of Dove hair shampoo is largely determined by the decisions on Market Positioning of product differentiation. So, Dove has been positioned as a product fulfilling the needs of high end consumer class. Dove Company is constantly upgrading clock time to time to meet the customer needs, such as Dove Straight & Silky Therapy, Daily Shine Therapy, Dandruff Therapy, and Intense Damage Therapy with the affordable price.In addition, the external factor that affects the pricing decision of Dove is based on the market and demand. Dove Company is under the Monopolistic Competition market because there have a lot of buyers and sellers of differentiated products. Dove Company also is the product differentiation that are selling different product for the same purpose such as Pantene, Sunsilk , Rejoice, and so on. Besides, Dove is also price maker and spends a lot of money in advertisements to convince their customers. Last but not least is the competitions strategies and price.The competitors of Dove are Sunsilk, Rejoice, Pantene, LOreal and so on. According our survey that doing at Kampar area, the competitors are fling the lower price if compare to Dove. For example, Sunsilk 700ml is offering their s hampoo product at RM17. 50 and Rejoice is offering at RM21. 50 while Dove is offering the same product at RM25. 90. So, it has been influenced the customers who is price sensitivity. Furthermore, the customer purchasing power, government regulation, economic conditions also becomes the external factor affecting the prices. . 2. 2 cutting Product Pricing Strategy Dove is using the Market Penetration for the New Product Pricing Strategies because they have many competitors like Sunsilk, Pantene, Rejoice and so on to win the market share. When Dove Company introduces the new product to the market, it bequeath set a low initial price in order for the brand to penetrate the market quickly and deeply. For example, when the 10th anniversary, Dove will break down the promotion by reducing the price and give them discount and offer the new product sample to give the customer trying.As compare above, Dove is offering a lower price from range RM 18 until RM 22. 50 and same volume compare (70 0 ml) to Sunsilk in the shampoo market. For increased market penetration, Dove has submission the Campaign for Real Beauty where the representative will move to the market segments and will do free sampling. Doves revolutionary hunt was for the firming diligence which features women of all shapes and sizes thus breaking down the stereotypic definition of beauty tall, thin and being fair.Their ads have created a ripple in the market with their campaign successfully catching the fancy of both the industry and consumers as being something different. Earlier, the ads used celebrities to promote their beauty products. They are also not for the super dear models. The Dove ads challenge the traditional concept of beauty. This make the customer realize that Dove cares and penetration will be achieved in newly selected market segments.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Organizational Communications Analysis Womenââ¬â¢s Resource Center at Norman, Oklahoma
The Womens election Center was before started in 1973 and 1974 during the winter. It was origin bothy started by a graduate student who treasured to assist women who were in transition points in the life. This administration could non function without rough-and-ready parley and to analyze the colloquy strategies of the brass instrument can provide subservient information that could further remediate them. This included those women who were looking for employment as soundly as women who wanted to return to school. Since its opening the burden has developed many programs and services (History.. 1).There atomic number 18 many programs easy at the Womens Resource Center and these include WRC Victims of Domestic Violence Shelter (providing safe makeshift housing to victims of domestic violence and their children) Rape Response Team (trained volunteers who ar visible(prenominal) to meet with impair victims at the ER) counseling (specialized for victims of sexual assaul t or domestic abuse) WRC Education Program (offers module that enunciate in a variety of places for intimately topics having to deal with domestic violence, date rape, healthy relationships and other topics) Childrens Program (groups that focus on letting children express their emotions and feelings) Court Advocacy (court advocates to help women through the sub judice system) and WRC Cells (a program to offer victims cell phones at no cost in case of an emergency) (Programs.. 1-2). There are likewise almost preparation workshops. The main one is SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Volunteer Training, a specialized training for nurses to learn how to do forensic rape test kits (Training 1). Effective talk is one of those things that are important to how well an organization is run.The Womens Resource Center in Norman, okey has a lot of strengths in their intercourses. They do a good job of training two their staff and their volunteers. They work with their staff on issue s about communication theory and knowing when to talk and when to be fit to quit others to talk as they are dealing with people in very difficult situations. They learn how to in effect make pass for the situations that they are in where at that place is a high risk to the women that they are talking to. This fashion that in that location is a lot of training put into the idea of communications for this organization. Their main strength in communication is the over solely ability to slip away effectively with those who are in a tough situation.The savvy that this works so well is that there is a great deal of things in the communication go (Lee 2). Knowing the communication abut can greatly help how communications are for people. According to young girl wells model of communication there needfully to be an effect for the communication to fulfill place. What this is saying is that what is cosmos slide byd needs to have a point and a direction. In this communication pro cess the organization is trying to point out that women deserve respect and self assurance (Lee 3). The idea of effective communication for change is something that this organization does well. The organization has made a lot of changes in the past both the long term past and the recent past.These changes are effectively communicated if three major components are available in the strategy. This study by Larkin and Larkin stated Communicate only facts stop communicating values. Communicate count to face do not rely on videos, publications or large scale meetings. And target summit line supervisors do not let executives introduce the change to frontline employees. This is an example of the effective things that Womens Resource Center communicates as they use a strategy that shows that each level learns new things (Cheney 330). Some of the detrimental things that are done at the Womens Resource Center with communications are that the trainings are not available to the public for in formation.They do offer some training seminars but in the send away the trainings are not available as a program on the intense level. The communication process is not as well done in advertisement or getting the word out about the programs that are available. Another playing area that shows weakness in communication is the organization. There is not a blind drunk organization in this company and there are many different people volunteering and/or work for the agency. Some of the areas that could use improvement include the areas of communication about the organization and throughout the organizations volunteers and employees. This meaning that they all could use recrudesce communication to communicate between one another.The idea as stated in the same study as above is that there is sometimes little credibility to the values could be one of the communication problems in this area as it would be a problem in communicating and that the upper direction and board of directors hav e not had a very clear vision with the Womens Resource Center as many things have changed about their main values and ideas since the creation of the center which could cause some confusion (Cheney 330-333). A second area that has caused some problems with communications in the organization has been a lack of employed resources. This means that there are a lot of volunteers who might not have the same standards to communicating needs as invariable full time or purge part time employees would have.In order to effectively improve these areas there would have to be a system set up which would give both volunteers and employees a chance to express their feelings and ideas without the fear of being persecuted and with the idea that anyone who is involved has an opinion that matters. The idea that communication is a big part of leadership and how well leadership runs is based on the leaders ability to communicate effectively. In this case this would be an area for needed improvement (Ch eney 205-206). There are many areas where improvements could be made in the communication processes with the Womens Resource Center. Some of these areas are that the management could be give better support to all of the volunteers and employees alike.Another thing that could happen is that those who are involved would be able to voice their opinions and give a case for care. They would be able to effectively communicate their needs in a process that would be pre-developed by management as it would be something that they could use on a regular basis. This means that they would be able to better manage their communications needs by effectively learning how to resolve issues and hold forth issues with proper communications. The theory of Schramm on communication and the idea that overlapping boundaries and experiences make for easier communications is key in the field and services that the Womens Resource Center is providing.It is in this process that these workers and volunteers woul d be able to communicate better with the clientele based on whether or not they had shared the same or equal experiences in their past (Lee 3-4). The strengths and weaknesses for this organization were apparent when reading over the press releases and other information available about the organization. Also the writer observed the communication aspects while working for the organization prior to reversive to graduate school. This was observed through being a part of the organizations training and programs. It was also observed through understanding information about the programs and how they are communicated to the public.Being able to effectively communicate is very important in the field of social work and for social service agencies. The one area where communication is well done is between the staff and the victims that come in for services as the training programs in this area are very good. Therefore their main strength is being able to communicate well to women in tough situ ations. The Womens Resource Center is an organization that needs to have brag communication skills in order to deal with the problems that are being affected on a regular basis through their organization as they readily do not know what is going on and sometimes are in need of being able to communicate in a much effective manner.One of the main problems has been a lack of communications through the numerous volunteers and employees and in the end it has been a cause for some communication gaps. The main thing that can be done to improve the status of these things is for there to be a better communications system in place in general for the organization. This means that the organization would have better communication between the management and the employees and volunteers. Some of these communication gaps are what are causing the down fall for this organization and are some of the leading causes of the boilersuit conflict that is experienced within the organization. There are alwa ys going to be inherent challenges when discussing communication and workplace environments (Messersmith 1).In the end communication is very important in all areas of life and when there is effective communications in some areas it lends hope to the idea that there could be effective communications in all areas of an organization. While analyzing communications for the Womens Resource Center it is no wonder that there are many different types of communication used and it is no wonder that there are some needs for improvement. Most of the need for improvement falls on the overall board of directors and their ability to make out a clear plan for what they want and what is going on within the organization. Without this they are not able to give back to the organization what is needed in order to be effective in their management and other skills.So what is needed is for the organization to work on their being able to communicate better within the organization through a set system in pl ace for communications. This would mean that no matter when the individual was seen and whom she was seen by the whole organization would be able to help her in the future. Preparing introductory short case studies and sharing them during a team meeting would be one way that this could be possible. Part of this is also being open about the organizations needs. Employees need to be certain of the challenges the company is facing so that they can do their part to help. A second thing that needs to be done better is the communications that are given between the organization and the community, meaning that the community would be better informed in the future (Basili 2).
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Henry Mintzberg Essay
Business Strategy1.0 IntroductionIn the juvenile eld the views of strategicalal anxiety has changed significantly. It has been criticall(a)y studied and classified as a field of managerial practice that should involve been given more thought. (Knights and Morgan, 1991) There be two essential parts to system, actions that are planned ahead and developed carefully according to many factors once implemented. A proper system created and implement to a go with would give a agonistical advantage over other companies. This report card lead guide the position of the phrase in a wider debate as different scholars have different opinions in outline. It will discuss about the theoretical underpinnings, strengths and weakness in Henry Mintzbergs article Crafting Strategy.2.0 Position and Theoretical UnderpinningsAccording to Levy, Alvesson and Willmott most of the current thinking is anchored by the work of Michael doorman and Henry Mintzberg. (Levy, Alvesson and Willmott, 2003) Henry Mintzbergs Crafting Strategy is based on inquiry that was conducted over numerous years that focused on several organisations that have taken various decisions over a period of time. The decisions make by organisations were taken into account and put together as different types of strategy. His thesis was the crafting image mitigate captures the process by which effective strategies to come to be. However the homework image, long popular in the literature, distorts these processes and thereby misguides organisations that embrace it unreservedly. (Mintzberg, 1987)The article appears to focus on an rising approach to strategy. Mintzberg states, a key to managing strategy is the king to detect emerging patterns and help them take shape. This is suggested through the fact that the role of a manager is not just to preconceive specific strategies butalso to recognize their emergence elsewhere in the fundamental law and intervene when appropriate (Mintzberg, 1987). One of the earlier influential writers of strategy Philip Selznick who back up this theory wrote about the graphic symbol of an organization being separate and integrates commitments to ways of acting and responding. (Selznick 1957) Ghosal, Barlett et al also suggest this point by mentioning its the focus in traditional strategy on value appropriation rather hence value creation. (Ghosal, Barlett et al, 1999)Mintzbergs theory captures a mix of Richard Whittingtons clear and processual school of strategy. This is modelled in the article as the potter is characterized as a craftsman strategist. In Whittingtons model developing and delimit falls under Michael Porters classical deliberate approach to strategy and thinking lies within Henry Mintzbergs approach to emergent strategy. In the view of strategy Porter (1980 1985), Andrews (1971) and Chandler (1962), the prescriptive approach to strategy is shown for its dependency on analysis and planning. This is also view is also supported by G raetz who suggests that strategic thinking is already considered necessary process closely linked to strategic planning. (Graetz, 2002) Wilson goes further by mentioning, strategic thinking should convert strategic planning. (Wilson. L., 1994) Heracleous proposes that strategic planning and strategic thinking is two distinct but related processes, strategic planning is analysis and strategic thinking involves synthesis. (Heracleous, 1998) Many scholars including Mintzberg who emphasizes heavily on the processes of larn, compromising and adjustment is that strategy is a process. He suggests that the planning and then implementing strategy is unsustainable for long term. (Mintzberg, 1990) In 1994 Mintzberg provided some evidence of the sorrow of planning.3.0 StrengthsMintzbergs does identify there is no such thing as purely deliberate strategy or purely emergent one. This is further emphasized when he states all strategy making walks on two feet, one deliberate and the other emerg ent. This suggest that deliberate and emergent is intertwined which is emphasized when Mintzberg mentions, deliberate and emergent strategy form the end points of a continuum along which the strategies that are crafted inthe real world by chance found. (Mintzberg, 1987) Mintzberg treated strategy differently from traditional literatures that only focused on one type of strategy. firearm other scholars associated themselves in four schools of strategy Henry Mintzberg defined ten schools of strategy. (Mintzberg, 1998) Crafting Strategy is positioned in the learning and design school. In this he suggested strategy as a ploy, which gives company a competitive advantage, as the strategy is misleading therefore, unpredictable thus competitors are unable to know what the company is planning. This is supported by Rumelt who mentions one persons strategies are anothers tactics that what is strategic depends on where you sit. (Rumelt, 1979)Crafting strategy shows flexibility and therefore m akes it more prepared to implement. Henry Mintzberg states strategies can be form as well as formulated. (Mintzberg 1987) It suggests that there is no standard approach to strategy thus every company or individual can use it as it is tailored to the company needs. According to Kipping as it is malleable it allows freedom to craft their best strategy (Kipping, 2010)3.1 WeaknessIn this article Henry Mintzberg based his research on mass production companies such as Honda, Volkswagenwerk and General Motors. His conclusions about strategy derived from assessing these major companies whitethorn not be applicable to other companies as some managers are not competent to the strategy. This is mentioned by Noe who states Emergent strategiesrely on the organizations ability to learn from the actual experiences of employees at all levels (Noe et al., 2003)Whittington states mechanisms ensure that the strategy process remains objective rather than being captured by a contingent management fact ion. This suggests that managers are able to draw from extensive and less detectable sources of power. (Whittington, 1993). Mintzberg argues that the reality of strategy is not a planned organizational phenomenon but better characterized as an emergent. (Mintzberg et al., 1998) However Mintzberg fails to address these additional conditions suggested by Whittington thatare thought to be potentially vital points in strategic management.Stoney mentions that In the strategic management model, responsibility for corporate level decision-making rests with a core or strategic elite who are discharged from the day-to-day responsibilities of operational activities, these being devolved to the lowest possible level of control. (Stoney 1998) Supported by Anthony and Dearden mentioning that strategic planning is a function in the executive level that is designed to ensure that the direction is followed as set. (Anthony & Dearden 1976) This will help companies maintain a competitive advantage however as it is only based on executive level views commence ranked staff in the companies is ignored. This is suggested by Alvesson and Willmott who states, broader power relations license the interests and viewpoints of some groups while silencing and marginalizing others. (Alvesson and Willmott, 1996) Henry Mintzberg himself mentions this view by stating senior management sets of broad guidelines and the leaves specifics to other lower down in the organization. (Mintzberg ,1974)As a few of Mintzbergs theory is based on the processual school of strategy in Whittingtons model Levy, Alvesson and Willmott mentions it provides a sceptical perspective on established classical and rational perspectives. (Levy, Alvesson and Willmott, 2003) However it fails to explore in a wider perspective of domination or analyze the managerial assumptions. Alvesson and Willmott further states that in the processual school of strategy, Mintzbergs view of power fails to look within an intra-organizat ional perspective that eschews servant of broader social and political structures. (Alvesson and Willmott, 1966) This suggests that Mintzberg does not take into consideration many other factors that may be chief(prenominal) to his view of strategy.4.0 ConclusionMintzberg does appear to focus most of his ideas towards emergent strategy however he does address that there can be no such thing as just deliberate or emergent strategy. (Mintzberg 1987) They both need to intertwine in order for the strategy to work. Crafting strategy is based on long-term learning, errors become opportunities and limitations stimulate creativity(Mintzberg 1987) This is what causes the moulds streams of decision into patterns as suggested by Hedbery and Jonsson. (Hedbery and Jonsson, 1977)5.0 ReferencesAlvesson, M. and Willmott, H. (1996) Making Sense of counselling A Critical Introduction. London Sage.Andrews, K.R. (1971) The Concept of unified Strategy. Homewood, IL Irwin.Anthony, R & Dearden, J. (197 6), Management control systems. Illinois Homewood Richard D Irwin. B. Hedbery and S. A. Jonsson, Strategy Formulation as a Discontinuous Process, International Studies of Management and Organisation, 7/2 (1977) 90 Chandler, A.D. (1962) Strategy and Structure Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise. Cambridge, MA MIT Press.David Ley, Mats Alvesson, Hugh Willmott. (2003). Critical Approaches to Strategic Management. In Mats Alvesson, Hugh Willmott Studying management critically. Cornwall Sage Publications. 92-110.Graetz, F. (2002). Strategic thinking versus strategic planning towards understanding the complementaries. Management Decision, 40 (5), pg 456-462.Ghoshal, S., C. A. Barlett, et al. (1999). A bracing Manifesto for Management. Sloan Management Review 40 (3) 9-20.Heracleous, L. (1998). Strategic thinking or strategic planning? Long Range Planning, 31 (3), pg 481-487. Kipping. M. & Caillutet, L. (2010) Mintzbergs Emergent and Deliberate Strategies Tracking Alcans Activities in Europe, 1928-2007, Business History Review, 8 (4), pp.79-104. Knights, D. and Morgan, G. (1991) Corporate strategy, organisations, and subjectivity A critique. Organisation Studies. 12(2) 251-73.Mintzberg, H. 1987. Crafting Strategy. Harvard Business Review 65 (July August) 66-75.Mintzberg, H. (1990) The design school Reconsidering the basic premise of strategic management. Strategic Management Journal. 11 171-95.Mintzberg, H. (1994) The Rise and add up of Strategic Planning. New York Free Press.Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2003) Human Resource Management Gaining a Competitive Advantage, 4th ed, New York McGraw-Hill.Porter, M.E. (1980) Competitive Strategy Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York Free Press.P. Selznick, Leadership in Administration A Sociological variant (New York, NY Harper & Row, 1957) p.47. A subsequent paper by the author (in process) on the design school of strategy formation shows th e link of Selznicks early work to the writings of Kenneth Andrews in the Harvard policy textbook. K.R. Andrews, The Concept of Corporate Strategy, Revised Edition (Homewood, IL Down Jones-Irwin, 1987).Porter, M.E. (1985) Competitive Advantage Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York Free Press.R. P. Rumelt, valuation of Strategy Theory and Models, in D.E. Schendel and C. W. Hofer, eds., Strategic Management A New View of Business polity and Planning (Boston, MA Little Brown, 1979), pp.196-212.Stoney, C. (1998) Lifting the lid on strategic management A sociological narrative. electronic Journal of Radical Organization Theory 4(1).Whittington, R. (1993) What is Strategy and Does it Matter? London Routledge.Wilson. L. (1994). Strategic planning isnt dead It changed. Long RangePlanning, 27 (4), pg 12-24.
Distinguishing Bipolar and Bpd Disorders
Distinguishing bipolar and BPD swages Tonjanika Boyd North Carolina Central University creative activity Bipolar and minimal constitution Disorder atomic number 18 supposition and disposition throw out of kilter respectively, that take away had umpteen challenges amongst psychiatrist in differentiation. Not only does the two pains shargon several symptoms and associated impairments, there is also go along debates in the psychiatric literature about whether the two disorders actually represent different conditions (Hatchet, 2010).The following root compares and contrasts Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorders and discusses implications of differential diagnosis of the disorders that can lead to long-term effects for the diligent receivable to the fundamentally different discussion each disorder needs. Comparison of Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder Bipolar Disorder According to the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorder, 4th edition textb ook Revision (DSM-IV-TR), bipolar is a recurrent toughness disorder featuring one or more(prenominal) successivenesss of dementia or mixed episodes of mania and clinical depression (Antai-Otong, 2008).The bipolar disorders include, bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymic, and bipolar NOS disorders. Bipolar I disorder includes one or more manic or mixed episodes, normally with a major depressive episode. Bipolar II disorder includes one or two major depressive episodes and at least(prenominal) one hypomanic episode. Cyclothymic disorder includes at least 2 years of hypomanic periods that do non meet the criteria for the other(a) disorders. Bipolar NOS, does non meet any of the other bipolar criteria. The etiology of Bipolar disorder has been researched and documented for many years and has many theories and perspectives.Causative factors include psychodynamic, existential, cognitive behavioural and developmental and obscure biologic and genetic factors (Antai-O tong, 2008). Signs and Symptoms (s/s) of Bipolar disorder varies from the type of episode they patient is experiencing. Major depressive episodes include a depressed mood or lose of interest for at least 2 weeks and five or more of the following Significant weight loss or gain, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue, worthless feelings or inappropriate guilt, problem concentrating or recurrent thoughts of death.Manic episodes s/s includes, persistent tremendous irritable mood of more than one week, increased self-esteem, decreased sleep, increased, increase talk and pressured speech, racing thoughts and ideas, distractibility, primitive goal-directed activity, excessive buying, sex and business investments (Pederson, 2012). In order to have successful treatment of bipolar disorder, a holistic approach is the best therapy. This includes, pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic discourses. Pharmacologic include mood stabilizers, anti-depressants, anti-ps ychotics and electroconvulsive therapy. in that respect has been a controversy with the use of anti-depressants for treatment due to its effect with mood stabilizers. It is not a mainstay, but is until now prescribe when they are not sure if it is unipolar or bipolar, but becomes dangerous when switching from a depressive episode to a manic or hypomanic episode (Antai-Otong, 2011). Electroconvulsive therapy is the last resort if the mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics fail or when an immediate intervention is needed. Psychotherapeutic intervention is roughlyly where the nursing care is used more frequently.Psychosocial and bearingal intervention, both fall under the umbrella of psychotherapeutic treatment and are important for more corroboratory treatment outcomes. If a patient is in the acute phase, the nurses main focuses are safety and maintain a therapeutic milieu that facilitates resolution of symptoms and minimizes complications. The nurse also educated the client and fam ily about medications, treatment options and other psychotherapies (Antai-Otong, 2011). Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)BPD originated in the 1930s, when it was used to describe patients who were on the border mingled with neuroses and psychosis. It is the most common complex and severely impairing personality disorders. According to DSM-IV, it is a pattern of instability in social relationships, self-image, affect and marked impulsivity (Swift, 2009). The etiology of BPD includes, genetic predisposition, family accounting of mood disorders and maybe related to bipolar disorder, material and sexual abuse. About 2% of the population experiences BPD and mostly female.The symptoms of BPD are maladaptive behavior learnt to make nose out of the world and to manage the persistent negative messages received (Eastwick & Grant, 2005). Signs and symptoms, consists of patterns of unstable interpersonal relationships, fear of abandonment, splitting (love or hate), impulsiveness in sex , substance abuse, binge eating and reckless driving, suicidal gestures, such as self-mutilation, intense mood changes that last for hours, chronic emptiness, intense anger and transient paranoid ideation (Pedersen, 2012).Managing BPD is challenging and can be emotionally and physically draining for the nurse involved and other members of the healthcare team. The nurse-patient relationship is frequently confrontational due to the patient difficulty with interpersonal relationships and dysfunctional emotional regulation, which results in aggression towards the nurse. Evidence has shown that people experiencing BPD are more likely to harm themselves than others (Swift, 2009). Treatment of BPD requires an integrated psychobiologic approach that includes, pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic interventions.This combination is called psychopharmacologic therapy. There have been many variations of drugs used to treat BPD, due to limited success. There has been limited success in the use of psychotropic medications in clients with borderline personality disorder. Mood stabilizers, anti-depressants and anti-psychotics are only effective in providing relief in the symptoms of difficulty controlling behaviors, impulsivity, self-injurious behaviors and depression (Antai-Otong, 2011).Diagnostic Dilemma of Bipolar and BPD Disorder According to the criteria outline in the DSM-IV-TR there is a systematic departure between patients with BPD and bipolar disorder. It was found that patients with bipolar II exhibited mood swings that varied between euthymia, elation and depression and mood swings with BPD rotated between euthymia, anger and anxiety. A diagnosis between the two boiled down to how the emotional and behavioral instability exhibited by a client is conceptualized.In other words, a counselor must decide whether the symptoms are best attributed to an acute mood disorder or they are just the latest manifestations of a more chronic problem (Hatchett, 2010). The challenge is not the case of being able to rule out acute episodes of mania, but when assessing the possibility of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder or a mixed episode. The actual definition of rapid cycling is often interpret in the mental health community and ruling out mixed episode is even a greater test in distinguishing between bipolar and BPD, due to many patients not having an accurate history of their symptoms.This is important because, according to DSM-IV-TR (2000) The individual experiences rapidly alternating moods (sadness, irritability, euphoria) accompanied by symptoms of a Manic fortuneand a Major Depressive Episode (p. 362). It becomes difficult and nearly impossible to distinguish a mixed episode from the chronic anger and dysphoria common to those with BPD. Repercussions for differentiating between the disorders for treatment are evident for counselors who are responsible for creating and implementing treatment plans. Accurate diagnosis is fundamental for effective treatmen t.A diagnosis of Bipolar disorder is treated with psychoactive medication, whereas for BPD patients, that is not effective as a mainstay of therapy. When BPD is appropriately diagnosed, it encompasses a more holistic approach of intervention strategies, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Those who consider BPD to be a variant of bipolar disorder contend that treatment should proceed with mood stabilizers and atypical anti-psychotics and those on the other side of the debate commend an intensive psychotherapy model, such as DBT (Hatchett, 2010).Conclusion Careful consideration to distinguish more accurately the difference between an acute mood disorder and a more chronic and pervasive personality disorder with the diagnostic process is essential. A mood disorder is discerned by distinct episodes of mania, hypomania, or depression that continue for specified periods and a personality disorder is characterized by persistent and rigid patterns of maladaptive behavior and intr apersonal experience that influence areas of functioning.I feel the debate between differential diagnosis of these disorders can at least shift towards a solution by considering an overhaul in the definition and placement of mood and personality disorders in Axis I and II. Through Axis II was developed to encourage clinicians to consider more enduring personality characteristics that may impact treatment, as Fowler et al (2007) pointed out, some Axis I disorders are actually more chronic than many Axis II disorders, which are more likely to knock back than is commonly believed.Also, I noticed through my research that maybe there needs to be other type of assessment tool created when assessing patients for mood or personality disorders or specific training on how to distinguish between BPD an bipolar disorder to ensure more accurate diagnosis. For the DSM-V now being drafted, proposals have been made to either eliminate personality disorders altogether or integrate theme into Axis I. In that scenario BDP might be reclassified as a mood or impulse control disorder (Hatchett, 2010).Distinguishing between Bipolar and BPD disorder is significant for the patient, treatment teams, family and mental health community, due to the major difference in the treatment plans for each disorder. Recognizing which disorder the patient has is fundamental in positive outcomes as they progress through the proper comprehensive psychopharmacologic therapy. References American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed. , text rev. ). inside10. 1176/appi. books. 9780890423349.Antai-Otong, D. (2008). Psychiatric Nursing Biological and Behavioral Concepts, 2nd ed. , Thomson, Delmar Learning. Hatchett, G. T. (2010). Differential Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder from Bipolar Disorder Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 323, 189-205. Pederson, D. D. (2012). Psych Notes Clinical Pocket Guide, 3rd ed. , F. A. Davis Co. Philad elphia. Swift, E. (2009). Borderline personality disorder aetiology, presentation and therapeutic relationship Mental Health Nursing, 133, 22-25.
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